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Once coach came in we all gathered around and she placed down a tote. "Since Friday was just tryouts now I know who needs one so, everyone go through this tote and pick your jersey out." She said letting us all go through it. We all grabbed 2 of the same jersey because we needed a spare just in case, our school has done that for years. I picked 13, the number I've been my whole life. We practiced for an hour and a half, since it was our first week of practices and we have a game Thursday.  The boys had a 2 hour practice so once we were done I changed and sat on the bleachers with Ally watching my boyfriend and my brother. They seemed to be friends now since I kept seeing them talking to each other. They finished up and Melo walked straight over to me "hey babe, what number did you get?" He asked me, showing me his #1 jersey "ooh sweet, I'm 13" i said showing him my jersey. Me Nick and Ally left after Nick was done in the locker room, going back home. "You want pizza?" Nick asked me. "Sure" I said and when we got home he ordered pizza and I went up to my room. I posted my jersey on my snap story with some 🔥 emojis. Once the pizza came we all sat at the table. Ally talked about her cheerleading things and Nick and I talked about basketball, I did mostly listening. "So how's you and LaMelo?" Nick asked me. "We're good, he's coming to the party Friday, how do you feel about him?" I asked him. "He's a funny guy, he seems like he really likes you but lord have mercy if he hurts you I'm gonna snap his neck" Nick said and I laughed "he won't I swear" I reassured him. After we eat I got bored in my room so I rearranged it, so now my bed was in the middle of my room instead of the side, I decided to just turn my speaker on and jam out. I turned my LED lights green and played my favorite playlist, while scrolling through Instagram, picking out my outfits, painting, and other things. I heard something at my door and I open it, seeing my cat for the first time in like a week. Once a month she gets her cat period and hibernates in my moms room. I assume she is off her period now, "come in Ginger baby" I said and she came in so I shut the door behind her. Now that I think of it I don't think Melo has ever seen her. I FaceTime him. "Hey Melo, I just realized something" I said and he gave me a confused look, "what?" He asked and I showed ginger in the frame "you've never seen my cat before!" I say and hold her up, she wiggled around and then flopped onto my bed once I set her down, orange cat activities. "Aww how come I've never seen her?" He wondered "she's shy so when we have people around she doesn't come around, and she likes to hibernate one week a month because of her cat period" I explained and he seemed shocked. "Damn I didn't know cats had periods" he said running his hand over his curls. "Well how do you think they have kittens?" I giggled "I don't KNow" his voice cracked because of him laughing making me laugh too. "Okay I'm gonna go to bed now, goodnight Melo" I said "okay goodnight T" He blew me a kiss and then hung up. I brushed my teeth and put on my pajamas and laying in bed.

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