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Hey guys, I didn't explain this in the last chapter but I was away for 3 days because I was in the hospital. I'm getting better at home now so I have more time to write. Thank you all for reading ❤️

"Come ride me" he said and I straddled him hovering over his thighs. I ground down on him and gave him hickeys, I then sucked on his nipple for a second hearing a gasp from him. I slowly lowered onto him and he held my waist holding me to not fall. I ride him slowly then once I got the hang of it I kept going faster and faster. "Oh my god, shit baby that feels good" Melo moaned and his head rolled back along with his eyes shutting. He rubbed my nipples making me whine, I was close already. "I'm gonna cum fuck" Melo groaned out, I guess we had the same idea. I cursed then came, followed by Melo doing the same. I slowly got off of him slipping him out of me and dropped on the bed next to us. Melo rubbed my head for a second then got up to get tissues and cleaned me and himself up with them. He threw the condom in the trash and put on boxers, putting one of his t-shirts on me. He got into bed next to me and pulled out covers up turning the tv on. He looked down at the sheets and saw them moving quickly, he looked confused then lifted up the sheets seeing my legs shaking violently. "Damn girl, you good?" He asked concerned. "Yeah Melo im Good, I just came a lot harder than I normally do" we laughed with each other. He wrapped his arm around me and we watched love island on the tv until we both fell asleep.

The next morning ⏩️

I woke up from my alarm at 8am. I grumbled and turned it off, rubbing them opening my eyes to see Melo in the bathroom peeing with the door open. I started laughing hysterically and he turned around seeing me watch him piss. "Ay stop lookin at my booty you perv" he joked. "Pickle butt!" I called him because he was wearing pickle boxers. I got up and went into the bathroom with him, we washed our faces brushed our teeth and I did my makeup. Our plans today was proposal day so me and Melo we're taking Ally out to see the World Trade Center Memorial while mom dad and Nick set everything up for the proposal. I wore a purple sweater with white carpenter dickies jeans and purple Nike dunks. "Whatchu wearing today babe?" I asked Melo and he came back into the bathroom. "These jeans with a white button up and a door crewneck over it." He said popping out his collar. I fixed the back of it and we took a mirror picture. By the time that we were going to leave Nick and my parents were already gone, they went to time square early this morning since they still had a lot to do. We made sure that Ally dressed nice telling her we were taking a photo shoot. We got an Uber and spent almost 2 hours walking around the memorials and took pictures, I got the text saying that everything was ready from my mom. "Hey wanna go to time square real quick? I heard they had a cool store there that we didn't check out" I asked "bet let's go" she said and I texted them that we were coming and we started walking to the exit of the memorial, getting in the uber for the 5 minute ride it took out of Manhattan.

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