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I woke up abruptly to Gelo and Lonzo in Melos room with Lonzo recording Gelo diving on top of us and I yelped when his big ass landed on fhe both of us. "GOOOOOODMORNING MR AND MRS BALL" he shouted. "Gelo get your big ass off meeee" Melo whined tiredly trying to push him off but he latched onto the both of us. Lonzo started running towards us landing on us too, now all three brothers and me were on the bed. "We're leaving in an hour and a half, yall want breakfast cause im about to make some?" Lonzo asked "yeah make me some pancakes mc Whatchu want baby?" Melo asked me. "Just a pancake please" i replied. Lavar came in the door and saw Gelo and Lonzo laying on top of us. "The hell y'all doin?" He laughed and walked to the side of the bed. "Goodmorning Lavar" I rubbed my eyes. "Morning girl, y'all ready for the gym?" He asked we all said our variations of yes and the boys got off us and left with their father. I rolled over to see Melo looking at me. "Goodmorning beautiful" He smiled softly, I turned red "morning handsome" I put my hand in the middle of his chest. We both got up and changed into our gym clothes, I wore hot pink shorts and a white Nike compression shirt while Melo wore black basketball shorts and a blue under armor shirt. We went into the bathroom and got ready together, we were brushing each others hair and giggling like little children, that's what I love about Melo, he brought out the young in me. I put my hair up in a bun and waited for Melo to get done brushing his teeth. "My girl waited for me she luvvv meee" he sang while dancing around his room "oh boy cut it out" I jumped on his back and he laughed giving me a piggyback downstairs. "Damn that smells good, since when did you know how to cook?" I teased Lonzo "girl I BEEN cooking, bitches call me gordan ramsey" he said flipping a pancake by throwing it up in the air almost dropping it "Mhm" I gave him a 'Yeah right' Typa look. I laughed when I realized he was wearing a chefs hat, Tina came down and we all said goodmorning. "Mom I made you a pancake do you want it?" Lonzo asked her and she nodded making coffee. We talked about random things until Lonzo served us all and he stared at me as I cut a piece off putting it in my mouth. It was actually really good, "touché" I squinted at him and he laughed loudly. Gelo turned on the speaker above the fridge and started playing Our Song by Taylor swift. Lonzo was holding a plate of pancakes and singing the song loudly, I started recording. "OUR SONG IS A SLAMMING SCREEN DOOR SNEAKIN OUT LATE TAPPIN ON YOUR WINDOW" He kept singing and I posted it on my Instagram story with the caption 'I think chef @zo likes T swizzle' the song ended some time later and Gelo turned it down playing some other songs while we ate. "So Tee before your parents left last night they signed all the paperwork for you to go to Spire, your parents scheduled you a passport picture this week so you can leave the country, we've all got about 5 months to prepare since summer is 2 months away and we're leaving 2 weeks before the start of y'all's junior year" Lavar explained. "That's great! I'm excited to go play internationally, thank you guys for giving me an opportunity this big." I said. I was so grateful that they wanted to bring me with them because this could get me more exposure for the future.

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