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We left the gym and got into Nicks car. We were listening to our favorite songs on full volume while we were on our way to the ice cream place. When we got there I got cotton candy, Melo got Rocky road, Ally got bubblegum, and Nick got cookies and cream and two plain chocolates. "Why r u getting three?" I asked him. "Idk I might want some later" he said. We got back in the car and once we got home I saw some of the lights on in the house. "Did you leave those on Nick?" I asked pointing to the lights while he unlocked the door. "Uh idk we should check" he said giving me a weird look. When we got inside I see mom sitting in the living room. "Mom!" I said and ran to hug her knocking us onto the couch. "I thought you wouldn't be home till Friday?!" I asked her and helped us off the couch. "I know, aunt Cassie got back early so we came home!" She answers. "Where's dad?" I say. "He's in the bathroom" she rolls her eyes and we laugh. Nick and Ally hug my mom and she goes over to Melo giving him a hug "Hello Melo! Keeping her in line this past month?" She asked "you know it" he smiled. She patted his cheek and Dad came down so we gave him hugs. He gave Melo a dude hug and put him in a headlock as a joke. We laughed and they let go, so we all went into the dining room since we heard the timer go off. My mom made stir-fry and placed it on the table. We all talked over dinner and mom told me all about what she was doing this month. Apparently her and my cousin went to Long Island for a couple days, visiting the beach. She brought me back a sweatshirt from Long Island that she put on my bed. Once we finished dinner I did the dishes, Melo wanted to help me but I told him no so he stood behind me hugging my waist from behind and put his head in my neck. When I was almost done I felt Melo slightly move his head. "You falling asleep back there?" I ask him and he made a noise so I finished the dishes quickly. I took off the gloves and held Melos hand and walked to my room, shutting the door. I put my LED lights on and switched them to purple. We lay down and I put his favorite show on, Americas funniest home videos. He snuggled up to me and put his head on my boob, with his hand on my stomach. We watched the show laughing at the videos and telling each other funny stories. Once his dad got here I walked him out to Lavar's car. "I love you, see you tomorrow in school baby" he said kissing me. "I love you too Melo cya, bye Lavar!" I waved and he said bye back. I went back inside and talked to my dad for a minute then went to take a shower. Maddy FaceTimed me while I was in the shower so we talked while I washed myself. "What is spirit day tomorrow?" I asked her. "It's dress as your type day, it's also a half day tho" she told me. "Ohh nice, how tf do I dress like Melo" I laughed. "Right? Idk how to dress like Isaiah!" She giggled. Every since we started being friends they liked each other but neither of them know that the other likes them. What a complicated relationship.

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