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Lonzo opened the door "Ay Tay! Melos out back" He said bending down to give me a hug. "Ok see you" I said, he went back into the dining room and I made my way outside, there were people in almost every room, I bumped into Tina and some of her friends "oh honey! Girls this is Taylor, it's my youngest sons girlfriend" she wrapped her arm over my shoulder "hey it's nice to meet you all" I smiled to them. We talked shortly then she sent me on my way and I finally got outside, Lavar was with a bunch of dudes and he was tending to the grill "Hey Lavar!" I said "Hey girl!" He came over and hugged me. I looked around and saw Melo laying face down on a sun chair folded to be flat almost like a table. I giggled and reached into a cooler grabbing an ice cube and going quietly over to him. I hovered it over him then dropped it on his back he shrieked and quickly stood up "damn! That shits cold" he squealed and I was laughing so hard "girlll!" He smacked his lips and picked me up, I yelled and he sat down on the sun chair with me on top of him. "Well hello to you too baby" he laughed "heyyy, why were you... sleeping, out here all alone?" I asked him. "I was just waiting for you" he smiled and I awed. "Well thank you" I kissed him. People started getting in the pool, all the brothers and their girlfriends and some others. "Let's go swimming" He suggested. "Ok, I just gotta put sunscreen on" I told him and grabbed my bag taking it out. "Ok I'll help you, lay on your stomach" he took it out of my hand "thanks" I took off my cover up and laid back and turned my head to the side. He hovered over my legs and squeezed it on my back, rubbing it in. He brought it down to my legs then massaged it on my butt "chill yourself fluffy there are kids here" I laughed, I call him fluffy because his hair has developed into an Afro, hes getting his hair cut before Lithuania though. I put sunscreen on the rest of my body doing the same thing for him. I put my stuff next to the chair and Melo automatically dived into the deep end, I instead took the ladder in like a normal person. "Your crazy" I said swimming over to him. He laughed and we floated around the deep end talking to the people in the pool, staying next to each other. We were in there for a while when Lavar yelled out that the food was all ready. We all got out and I grabbed my towel and Melos, going over to meet him near the side of the pool. "Thanks" he got out and wrapped the towel around his waist, he shook his head and water flew out of his hair. I covered my face from it and flicked him on the shoulder making him yelp. "Whadda you want babe" he asks me grabbing plates "just a Hot Dog please" I said. I went to my chair switching from my towel to my cover up then sat at a table and waited on my phone for him. I saw him walking over smiling. "Thank youuu" I kissed his cheek. "I got you a hotdog even though you have one 24/7" he sighed shaking his head, I gave him a confused look until I got it "LaFrance!" I laughed getting red making him laugh loudly. The brothers with Denise and Izzy sat at the table with us and we all got up getting drinks and such.

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