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I made it to her classroom, "Sup Mrs fortini" I said walking in. "Hey, why you in here for detention?" She asked, I've only had 2 detentions in the past two years so she was pretty surprised to see me here. "The office lady said that I gave her 'attitude' for being late and needing a tardy slip so she gave me detention" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah a lot of people complain about her, just sit anywhere until 3" she said and I thanked her sitting down at a table near the back and did my homework, Someone else came in and I saw Gelo and what I'm guessing is a friend of his. He looks at me "hey girl, what did you do?" He asked me confused "the office lady said I gave her attitude for being late this morning, what about u?" I asked. "I was late too, but for like the 10th time this month." I giggled and he sat down with his friend. I finished my homework and kept looking at my watch.
2:30, 2:42, 2:57, the last 3 minutes were probably the longest 3 minutes of my life but luckily the bell rang and I said bye to Mrs fortini. My dad picked me up since he just got off work. "Hey kiddo, listen don't worry about that detention, I remember your mom complaining about that same lady when we were in Highschool" he told me, him and my mom were friends in Highschool, they couldn't date because she was with my bio-dad. "Thanks dad, at least my basketball season is over or I wouldn't have been able to go to practice" I said and he agreed. Once I got home I changed into a big baller brand crop top, I figure that they were gonna make an episode for tonight and they like promoting their brand on there. But I stayed in my purple sweats and put my hair half up down. The theme of the game is party so I brought a couple of party hats and a confetti popper. I went downstairs for pasta that my mom made for dinner. "So you ready for your last game Nick?" I asked him after he sat down "not really, I'm gonna miss playing tbh, but it's almost baseball season" he said. After that we all ate then I went to my room to chill for another 40 minutes before we have to leave. "You ready to go? Your brother wants you to ride with him" my mom said after I came down. "Yup" I answered and she told me he was waiting in the car, I put my phone in my purse and went out to his car, seeing another car in the driveway. When I got in one of our mutual friends was in there in the backseat with me. "Ay donte wassup" I said dapping him up "sup lil girl" he said and then the music started bumpin, we had the sun roof open and donte hung out of it. "You gonna get a cold or sum dumbass get back in here" Nick said almost wheezing, donte found some party hats in the back of the car and put two on his head like ears and one over his eyes and nose. "Those are for senior night right?" I asked laughing too. "Yeah, I just got em yesterday" Nick told me. We stopped to get drinks and stuff at the gas station quick and I got sweet tarts and a Dr Pepper. "Ight now it's a straight shot to the game Les go" Ally said as we all hopped back in the car driving off.

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