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"Attention everyone we are now unloading you can stand up and grab your carry ons from the overhead bins, thank you" the captain said. We all got up and grabbed our carry ons. It took us a long time to get out of the plane and into the airport, my dad was the first to get out. I waited with him and Melo for everyone else, my moms carry on was stuck in the bin with someone else's so they were way behind us. Once we were all together we went to the baggage claim. While we're standing there we made bets on who's would come out first, every time we travel my dads comes first for some reason, but I still bet mine. Of course not to my surprise my dad was right and mine ended up coming last. We walked through the big ass airport and Melo held my hand so I didn't get lost. "Mom do you know where your going?" I asked her "yeah, I was literally here like last week" she laughed. We made it outside and it was chilly with snow coming down. "I knew it was gonna be cold but damn" I said "yeah I didn't either" Melo added. We took a taxi to our hotel, the girl was a very nice young girl and we made it there in no time. When we got there the hotel looked like a skyscraper with all of the other tall buildings surrounding it. "Hello, I have a reservation to check into?" My mom asked the older lady working the front desk. "Alright, first and last name?" She asked. "Katrina Larabee" She said. "Alright here are your key cards enjoy your stay!" The lady said. "Thank you so much" my mom smiled and we went to the elevator. It took a minute but once we got on it it took no time to get to the 8th floor. "Room 832" my mom said and we walked through the hall reaching our room. When we opened the door I saw an almost mud room and 3 doors. "Why are there 3 doors ma?" I asked. "I got us a suite so we can all have rooms, obviously y'all r gonna share beds" she said pointing to us. We put our bags down and I see that there is a balcony attached to me and Melos room. "Oh baby look" I said and opened the door seeing snowflakes now falling at a lighter pace than they were earlier. It was already 7pm so we decided to explore the hotel, we wore our swimsuits under our clothes just incase. "Yo look I see a hot tub" Nick said pointing into a room. We walked in and there were a couple of teens in the pool and an empty hot tub. I took off my shorts and sweatshirt, I was wearing my dark green bikini. We all got into the hot tub and my parents went in the pool. "So how's school Ally?" I asked her. She was in a bunch of honors programs and all of that stuff, I was proud asf of her because she manages to keep her grades high with such a busy lifestyle. "Everything's going good, AP biology is starting to get a little tricky but I can handle it" she replied. We talked more about things back home and we stayed in the hot tub for an hour. "Let's Go back to the room, we can watch a movie" I told Melo and me and him went back up. We started watching home alone and after a half hour everyone else came back to the room.

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