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I woke up Friday morning and got up quickly, since I had to pack an extra bag for school today. Today was the day of tryouts for the varsity basketball team. I texted Melo to remind him to bring his practice things, I also texted Alisha the same thing since she hoops too. I put on a pink sweatshirt and ripped jeans, putting on my blazers and a coat on over everything. It's only mid October yet it's still so cold out. I did my makeup and went outside and into the car. Me and my mom made small talk and the topic of her trip coming up came up. "So my trip is in 2 weeks and your brother told me he is gonna stay at Ally's during our trip but he is going to drive you to and from school and I'm giving you a credit card that I can put money on so you can get food and things so if you need to add more money to it just let me know and I will ok sweetie?" She said handing me the card. "Ok thanks ma, we have practice at the same time if we both make the team so that works out perfect" I said and she agreed. We pulled up to school and I went over to the table we meet at everyday I see Melo with his friend Anthony and Maddy and Isaiah sitting there. "Hey guys, hey Melo" I said sitting next to Maddy and Melo. "Hey T, Anthony this is my girlfriend Taylor" Melo says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Me and Anthony greeted each other then everyone started going into the building and I went to my locker.  I out my practice stuff and my coat in my locker then made my way to first period. When I walked in Marcus looked hyper and I sighed getting ready for an earful. Once I sat down he immediately started talking, "So has LaMelo asked you yet?" Marcus asked me. "Ask me what?" I said confused. "Girlll, homecoming! It's December 8th!" He said "Ohhh i forgot about that, no not yet then." I said, I was mad that the school has homecoming in 3 weeks yet didn't advertise it anywhere. Once I got to 3rd period I didn't see Melo but then 10 minutes later I see him run in. "Sorry I was late Mrs Austin, Mr Roberts had me make up a test" he said to Mrs Austin then walked over to you "there's my girl" he walked up to me and hugged me picking me up making me giggle. "We're playing volleyball come be on my team!" I say holding his hand and pulling him to my side of the net. We played and ended up winning against the other team, then the bell rang and i went to 4th period and in the halls I saw some posters about homecoming. 'Finally maybe he'll ask me' I thought and went into 4th period.

Time skip ⏭️

After the last bell rang instead of going to the half hour study block I skipped and went to the locker room to get ready for tryouts. After the study block started Melo texts me.

Melo💕: where r u?
                                         Me: I'm in the locker room
Melo💕: bet

I was brushing my hair when I heard someone come in, I turned around and saw Melo. "Melo this is a girls locker room!" I whisper yelled. "It's fine I just wanted to see youuu" He whisper yelled back. He pulled me into a hug putting his head in my neck and arms around my waist. We stayed there for a couple minutes before he kissed my shoulder gently. I lifted his head up and kissed him on the lips. When we pulled back he looked at me eyes softer than they were before. "Your beautiful T" He said then kissed me again, more passionately and holding me tighter. When we went for a break Melo kneeled down so that he was sitting on his knees and grabbed my hands. "Taylor Lynn Larabee, will you go to homecoming with me?" He asked me "Oh yes Melo of course!" I squealed and he stood back up so we could kiss. We made out for a couple minutes before we check the time, seeing that tryouts start in 10 minutes. "You need to change, wanna come over later?" I asked him. "Yes, yeah I'll see you later" he said and I gave him a quick peck and once he left I squealed in joy 'omg omg omg we just kissed! Like a lot! This is so crazy' I thought tying my shoelaces.

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