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Me and Melo goofed around the store while my mom was shopping. We were only in there for a minute because her friend wanted a sweatshirt. We went to the second half of the mall and we split up, boys and girls, so that the guys could go off somewhere and us girls got our nails done, Ally didn't question why we were getting our nails done but in reality we wanted to get her all dolled up for the proposal tomorrow night. I got white glitter french tips, my mom got normal red nails, and Ally got white with little gems. It only took us an hour and we gossiped since we were all sitting next to each other. We left the nail place and my mom called my dad, "where y'all at?... ok yeah... give us like 5mins we'll be there, silly" she giggled and hung up the phone. "Where did they go off to. "You won't believe this... they found a go cart track" my mom said and wheezed while we laughed. We made it to the go cart course and giggled when we saw them all sitting at a table in the entrance "so who won?" I asked, "I did yall see that fastest time?" Nick said and pointed to a tv with their names on it, I laughed quietly since I saw Melo got last. "Don't laugh at me I ain't good at this thang" Melo laughed. We left the track and it was around 3. "Food court?" Dad asked. We all agreed and went to the basement for lunch in the food court. "Whatchu getting?" I asked Melo next to me "ima get a pepperoni slice, wbu" he asked. "Just cheese" I said. We all picked a table near the big water fountain in the middle. "This is such a cool mall our mall is mid" i said to Melo while looking around. "Yeah fr" He replied. The rest of the day we just went around the mall and at 3:45 we decided to go ice skating. "I'm not good at this wack shit" Melo said as we were tying the skates. "I'll help you not fall, you like a baby giraffe" I giggled. We got on and he almost fell, grabbing onto me, luckily I was sturdy enough to catch us both. Me and Ally both used to do figure skating so we had experience while the guys seemed lost, except for my dad since he played hockey in Highschool. We linked up with Ally and Nick, the guys started fucking around trying to race but they ended up just busting their asses on the ice. Melo learned that if he ran on his tippy toes and fell, he would slide like a penguin. He kept running off then penguin diving back to the side of me, his front covered in shaved ice. The rest of our family was going to go explore the city more but they dropped me and Melo off at the hotel for our date. Nick and Melo whispered to each other in the car then sat back so I ignored it. We went inside and into the elevator. It was now 5:30 and we had reservations for 6:15. We got into the room and started getting ready together, goofing around while I did my makeup. "Melo, should i do a colored dress with these heels or the white dress?" I asked him and showed him a couple options. "The white one for sure, that would look great on you" he said and kissed me. He wore a white button up under a black blazer and black dress pants. I wore a white dress with iridescent heels and pearl jewelry, matched with a pearl purse. "Are we ready?" I asked him once I finished getting ready and he sprayed his cologne "yup let's go" he said and held my hand while walking out the door.

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