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It was starting to get dark when we went into the last dress store. I thought I wasn't going to find anything until I saw a plain white satin dress with a ruffled slit, it looked amazing. I tried it on and ended up getting it, we only took like 30 minutes in the store because once we got back to the car it was 8:00 and we started to head home, the ride home was just as interesting as the way there, since I had my permit now Nicki let me drive half the way home. At 9:34 I pulled up to my house that had no lights on so my parents are probably asleep. "See you at midsummer's!" Nicki said giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek, I did the same. "Yup yup, luv you!" I said and shut the door walking onto the porch and quietly getting inside. My cat was sitting on the couch so I took my shoes off and picked her up to go to bed. I changed into a bra and shorts and turned my fan on, getting under the covers with Olivia curled up on top of me.

2 days later ⏭️

I put mine and Maddie's cereal bowls in the sink and we went back upstairs to get ready, today was the midsummers event, almost a month until I leave for Lithuania. I did my makeup and put on my dress, matching it with white stiletto heels and pearl jewelry. "Girl you look great!" Maddy said, she was wearing a light blue satin dress with silver jewelry and black heels. "Thanks your dress it stunning" I smiled. We were all done getting ready and took a mirror pic, grabbing our stuff and leaving to the living room where my mom and dad were. My mom had a nice dark maroon dress on and my dad matched her with a black suit with a maroon tie. "Y'all look great, you ready?" My mom asked. "Yea let's go" I said and we all got into the car, the party is at the Central Hills country club which was only a couple minutes away from my house. "Remember no drinking until the adults leave right?" My mom reminded me. "Got it, no drinking for now" I answered. We got out of the car and my parents walked ahead of me and Maddy. "Dude your parents are so chill, if I told my mom we were getting drunk as sophomores she would rip my head off!" Maddy complained. I laughed and we walked up the steps greeted by some of my parents friends. We walked in and grabbed drinks, my dad got a beer and champagne for my mom then got me and Maddy Shirley temples in champagne glasses from the bar. "Tay!" I heard from behind me and saw Gelo and Izzy. "Hi! Y'all look great" he hugged me. "Thanks you look nice too, Melos out in the back if you need him" he told me. "Alright, I'll see you guys at the after party?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. "Hell yeah party animal! See you" he sapped me up and I waved goodbye to Izzy as they left and me and Maddy began socializing with people from our town. It was starting to get late and everyone eventually moved out to the back porch and to the sand around the pond. "Hey mama" Melo said hugging me from behind. "Hey fluffy" I kissed his chin since I couldn't reach his lips. "Wanna take some pics for my Instagram?" He asked. "Sure" I said and his friend came over to take the pictures, he picked me up making me squeal and wrapped my legs around him. He held me by the butt and I wrapped my arms around his neck when we shared a deep kiss. "Ew" his friend fake gagged "boy not you talking when you talked to-" his friend cut him off "we don't discuss her!" He made us laugh. "Mhm, get in stupid" Melo said grabbing his phone. He took a selfie of us 3 and put his phone in his pocket. "The fun starts in 45 mins the parents should be leaving now" Melo said after checking his watch. "Bet, I gotta change while everyone is setting up and say goodbye to my parents. Meet back here in 15?" I said "I'll be here" he said and we did our handshake. I quickly said goodbye to my parents and went into the bathroom with my bag to change into my party dress.

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