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We went down the hallway and my heels clacked on the floor. We went into the restaurant and heard people talking and chattering. "Hey we have a reservation for LaMelo" Melo said to the hostess. "Ok, party of 2?" He nodded and she grabbed menus. "Ok right this way" she said and led us near the back where there was a dim chandelier and small candles on the table. "Oh Melo, this place is so nice" I said and he pulled out my chair then sat down across from me. We ordered our drinks and the waiter left. "I chose this place because I wanted to give you something" Melo said and reached into his pocket leaving something in his lap. "Ever since we started dating I knew I wanted to be with you forever, and since we are only in Highschool I wanted to give you this," he stopped and pulled a small black box from off his lap. He handed it to me, "to promise you that I'll love you forever" he finished and I opened the box seeing a shiny ring with a purple stone in the middle. "Omg baby this is amazing, I love you so much" I said putting the promise ring on my finger. I grabbed both of his hands and kissed him over the table.  Our waiter brought our drinks over and we ordered, I got a shrimp scampi and Melo got Parmesan Chicken. We just held hands and looked into each others eyes saying something every so often. Once our food got here we talked while we ate and we took silly pictures and cute pictures, silly for ourselves but cute to post on Instagram later. A while later his dad facetimed him. "Hey dad" he said when he answered. "Hey Melo, we got a new episode up I sent it to you, how's you and Taylor?" He asked and he pointed the camera towards me. "Hey sweetie, where are y'all that place looks nice asf" he asked. "We're at a restaurant and it's so cool" I replied. Melo grabbed my hand and showed his dad the ring. "I got the ring today" he said. I guess he's been planning this longer than I thought. "Oh nice nice, I'm happy for you dawg" Lavar said, he was always so nice about things when I'm included in them, I've figured out that he has a soft spot for me because he treats me like his daughter since he never had one. We talked to him more and then we hung up. We sat at the table for a while after we finished eating just drinking our drinks and eating the rest of our appetizers. Melo went on his phone then I heard mine ding, I see that Melo had posted a dump of pictures from dinner tonight, and the ring captioning it 'I'll love you forever ♾️❤️' I smiled and commented on it 'I can't wait to be Mrs. Ball 💗' and he looked up smiling at me. He went on his phone and I pretended I was on mine, but really I was staring at him. A song by the weeknd was playing throughout the restaurant. The way he looked at me running through my mind. I bit my lip and thought about... more things 😉... and slightly gripped his thigh under the table. He looks up at me confused "what's up baby?" He questioned "nothing, why don't we get out of here soon..." I trail off and slide my hand up a little more. He smirks and licks his lips. "I'm going to get the check and we're gonna get out of here. He winked and went to the front to get our check. He payed for it and came back to the table. He put his blazer back on and helped me up holding my hand and we walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.

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