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We got to the school and while we were parking I saw Melo getting out of the car so once we all got out we were walking in with them. "Hey baby" he said kissing my forehead and wrapping his arm around me "Hi babe, I have a surprise close your eyes" I said and he shut them so I put the party hat on his head. He opened his eyes and I showed him himself in my phone camera "ooo I he looking fresh" he popped his invisible collar. K felt myself get grabbed and bear hugged while we were walking and looked up seeing it was Lavar, being followed by the production team. "Here's our Misses big baller repping as always!" He says pointing to my shirt and I smiled putting a party hat on him. After we were done talking I walked over with Tina "oh hi dear!" She says and I Link arms with her. "Hey Tin (it's a nickname pronounced like teen 😭) how are you?" I asked her, putting a rainbow polka dot party hat on her head to match Lavar's. We talked for awhile then we got into the game and sat on the bleachers, Nick and Ally sat with the brothers court side while me Melo and the parents sat the bleachers behind them, followed by the camera crew sitting around us a little ways away. We watched people start coming in in waves and since the theme was party we saw a group of people with, what I assume is plastic, rainbow bats then a person dressed like a pinyatta. A lot more people with funny ideas came in too. "Man these kids are something else" Lavar laughed shaking his head and we all laughed. "Hey bae let's go to the concession" Melo said grabbing my hand and standing up, I stood up with him and he damn near fell off the bleachers cause of the dress shoes he was wearing. "I knew I should've wore my retros" he mumbled and I giggled. While we were walking he dapped up some of his friends and people were recording us taking pictures and stuff. "Damn yo life like this everyday?" I ask him "yeah, it's only gonna get bigger when I play... later on in life" I wondered why he paused but I ignored it and we got in line. Melo started talking to his friend in front of us so I looked around and saw a girl staring at Melo basically drooling over him. I made sure she was looking at him and I kissed him on the cheek, he smiled and kissed me on the lips. I looked back at the girl and she was looking at me so I gave her THE stank eye. I got skittles and Melo got some starburst and airheads. When we were walking back he grabbed my hand again "your the only girl I want Tay, I love you" He says. "I love you too, I didn't think you noticed" I laughed lightly and he did too. We sat back down and the first quarter ended, we chilled for awhile watching the JV game until he had to go to the locker room with the team. "Ill see you in a minute I love you" he said kissing me while he stood up. "Alright love you too" I responded and he left for the locker room along with Nick, Ally was sitting with her friends so I just chilled with the ball family. "So girl do you plan on going into the WNBA after college?" Lavar asked me. "I mean yeah, that's if I get drafted" I tell him. "That's good, I'm sure you will" he gave me a fist bump.

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