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I woke up to my alarm Monday morning and quickly shut it off from making that annoying sound. After I shut it off I sat in silence. 'Well, it's just me and Nick home now,' I thought. I heard a knock on my door "come in!" I said and Ally opened the door, 'oh I guess Ally too' I finished my thought from earlier. "Hey, we're leaving in an hour and I just came to wake you up" She said putting Cinnamon toast on my desk "thanks Ally" I say hugging her "no prob" she says and shuts the door. I put on a white off the shoulder sweater and brown flare jeans. I put my hir in a messy bun and did my makeup, packing my practice bag for later. I went downstairs and put my blazers on waiting in the living room for Nick and Ally. "You ready to go?" Ally asked me grabbing Nicks keys. "Yuh, Let's go" I said holding the door open for Ally then Nick grabbed the door for me. While we were in the car the topic of parties came up, "hey Tay do you wanna invite all your friends over Friday night? We're gonna throw a ranger and everyone's gonna be there" Nick said looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Hell yeah, we'll be there" I smiled. After we got there he let me get out at the front, then went to park. "Guys guess whattt" I said sitting down at the table where everyone was at. "What's up?" Maddy asked and everyone listened in. "My brothers throwing a ranger at our house, y'all in?" I asked and everyone smiled. "You had me at rager" Isaiah said and everyone agreed. "Ok everyone meet at my house after school, I don't know when the party starts but I assume it will be at night so if y'all want you can sleepover" I said and they all texted their parents letting them know, leaving out the party part of course. We all went to our lockers splitting up. I was almost late to first period since I used the bathroom but I got in right before the bell. Some time into the class I turned to Marcus "Friday night there's gonna be booze and stuff, so if you feel sick let me know and I've got shit in the bathroom for it" I said and he nodded. Once I got to 3rd period I saw Melo and he looks like he just woke up. "Woah what the hell happened to you?" I asked him sitting next to him. "I slept in, I got here like 10 mins ago I didn't have time to really get ready" we laughed. I moved to sit behind him and he leaned back into me. I took my hairbrush out of my bag and played with his hair some, putting it in a little sprout on the top of his head, after I had my fun I brushed his hair out while we waited for Mrs Austin. "That feels so gooood" he groans tipping his head back to look at me and I giggle. Mrs Austin came in and told everyone that we were doing tennis, I used to play tennis up until the end of 8th grade when I quit since playing tennis and basketball at the same time was draining me. "Oh I'm gonna dust yo ass" I said to him and grabbed us both rackets and a ball. "Oh no you ain't little girl" he said resting his arm on my head "oh whatever" I jogged over to the other side of the net. As we played I kept beating him and taunting him. Once gym was done we said goodbye and I went to history. Me and Maddy talked about homecoming and other things while we were doing our work and the day went by so quick.

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