-56- (18+)

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He came back over to me and pushed me back on the bed and hovered over me. "I've been on birth control for a year now, what if we go raw just for tonight" I ask him running my hand down his ab. "Why not" Melo said and started getting us both undressed. Once we were both fully naked he started kissing down my stomach to my pussy and stuck two fingers in me hard, quickly starting to shove them in and out at a fast pace. "Ohhhh shit Melo slow down" I moaned quietly. "Take it Baby I know you can" He said and started sucking on my clit biting it softly every once in a while. "Ohmyfuckinggodddd" I groaned while my back lifted off the bed. He stopped and I caught my breath watching him suck my juices off his fingers. "You freaky boy" i said and he wiggled his eyebrows I giggled turning red. He hovered back over me and slid his tip through my folds. "You ready?" He asked me and i nodded "I need words baby" he said now putting only his tip in me. "Yes Melo I'm ready" He held my hand and slid all the way in. "Damn your so fucking tight" he groaned, his head fell forward now touching our foreheads together while his chain swung back and forth around our faces. He started moving in and out of me at a decent pace. "Faster baby ugh" i moaned in his ear holding onto his curls with one hand. The more he sped up the more we both edged closer to our climaxes. He sat back on his knees and put my legs on both of his shoulders holding onto them. "Fuck I'm close baby" he groaned. "Me too Melo fuck" I breathed out inbetween moans. His thrusts got sloppier and his noises increased. "Shit oh My god im cumming" I moan out and come undone on his dick. While I was coming down from my high he came too with a loud groan. Once we caught our breaths he pulled out and got up grabbing tissues coming back to the bed. "How are you baby" he asked me cleaning off my legs and himself. "I'm good, I love you" I said softly. "I love you more baby" he came up to kiss me and threw away the tissue too. He walked over to his closet putting boxers on and got me one of his t-shirts to wear over my underwear. After we were both clothed I put a blanket on and Melo jogged across his room to dive on top of me laughing maniacally. He landed on me and scooched down to rest his head in between my boobs, gently massaging my legs with his hands. It was now 10:30 and he rolled off of me to turn on the tv and his LED lights and shutting off the real lights. He got us both under the covers and cuddled up to me under my arm holding my waist. "That feels so good" he mumbled, I was combing my hand through his hair. I giggled, he came up to my face to kiss me then I pulled away to yawn. "You ready for the gym tomorrow?" He asked me. "Yup, I haven't been going as much as I should" I told him. "Your beautiful just the way you are, goodnight I love you" he smiled up at me and I cheesed smiling hard. "Goodnight babe" I kissed him and we both got comfortable slowly drifting off to sleep with the boondocks playing on the tv.

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