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2 hours later ⏭️

The final rolling credits played and we all got up and walked out while throwing our trash away on the way. We went back to the car and since I was only wearing a tank top I was kind of cold. "Here, add it to your collection" Melo held my shoulder and held his sweatshirt out. "Thank you baby" I kiss him and put the sweatshirt on. They stopped in my driveway once we got in my neighborhood. "Goodbye everyone!" I said to them all "I'll text you in a while I love you" Melo said and held my cheek, kissing me. "Of course, I love you too" I said and shut the door. When I opened the door to my house it was colder than a polar bears vagina. "God damn why y'all got it so cold in here?" I asked my dad, I heard a light airflow coming from the living room. "Oh we just put in the AC's. I heard that it's gonna be really hot for your last day of school, 80 is the high" he said, still watching the TV. "Crap, that's gonna suck. Anyways whatcha watching?" I asked and plopped next to him. "The warriors and lakers game" he replies. The warriors have been my favorite basketball team ever since I was in the 2nd grade when I started playing basketball, not only because we were about to move to California, but I also had always loved their players. My recent favorite is Steph Curry who had a rookie show out a couple of years back, I wanted to be like him. My dream was to always play in the WNBA, just like Tina Thompson. "Well I'm gonna be in my room if you need me dad" I said getting up and walking up the stairs to my room. I took off my clothes and got into the shower, putting pajama pants on and a playboy hoodie. I FaceTimed with Alisha for a little then got a FaceTime from Melo "I'll call you back sweets, Melos calling" I told her "kk byeee" I hung up and answered the FaceTime propping it up on my desk. "Hey babe what's up" I asked. "Whatcha doing?" He asked. "Im doing the Spanish homework, who tf assigns homework on the second to last day of school?!" I exclaimed. "Right, she's fucking crazy. I'm stuck on it too" he groaned. "I'll send you the answers when I'm done with mine, I've got about 5 more." I told him still writing on my paper. "Ok thank you baby" he smiled. "Of course, anything else?" I asked. "Nah I just wanted to talk with you" he said and I let out an 'awww' sound. "Girl shush" he smiled, I love his braces so much. "We're opening up the pool on Tuesday if you wanna come swim with me, my family, and a bunch of other people" he said rolling around on his bed.  "Sure sure, when are you doing your permit course?" I asked him, since he was 15 1/2 he can get his permit then his license at 16. "I'm doing that on Thursday" he said. "Cool, we'll I'm done so I'll send it to you" I told him grabbing my phone and taking a picture, sending it to him. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow I love you" he said. "I love you too bye bye" I said and he said it back and hung up. I watched  boondocks until my cat came in so I shut off all my lights and cuddled up with my cat, falling alseep.

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