-72- (End.)

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(A few weeks later.)

This summer was one of the best summers I had ever had, I had the best boyfriend, fun friends, a great social life, I had the best birthday party ever, everything you can imagine. Now it's august 18th, we leave for Lithuania tonight. I woke up early this morning to spend time with my parents and Nick, we got tickets to watch a Giants baseball game. I took so many pictures with them all and we got back home around 2pm. I went upstairs into my room and brought all my luggages downstairs along with my backpack. "You ready sweetie?" My dad asked, they were driving me to the airport where the ball's were meeting us. "Ready as I'll ever be" I sighed, of course I can't wait to leave the country to play basketball but most of me is going to miss my family greatly. I put my headphones on and listened to Exitlude by The Killers, my dad took a while to find a parking spot then we all got out and my dad helped roll some bags. I called Melo. "Hi Baby, We're here where are you guys?" I asked "We're at the front desk, there's a big line infront of us but no one behind us" he said. "Alright be there in a sec" I said and hung up. We went down the escalator and I saw Lonzo waving at us. We got in line with them and Melo hugged me "I missed you" he mumbled his hot breath blowing onto my collarbone. "I missed you more. You ready for Spire?" I asked. "Honestly the closer it comes the more nervous I get, I just feel like I'm not gonna be good enough" he said putting his head down. "No no baby look at me" I paused and faced his head towards me. "Your gonna do just find out there. I promise you fluffy" I kissed him on the cheek and he smiled "oh that reminds me!! I have to find a new nickname for you now that your getting your haircut" I teased. "Mhm" he rolled his eyes but smiled. It took another half hour before we got into the actual airport, we had to go up an escalator that my family couldn't go up. I stopped infront of it. "Well, I guess this is it" I sighed turning around to my mom "oh sweetie don't say that! We will FaceTime you everyday and we will see you again in a couple months!" My mom said, she hugged me and we both started crying, my dad even started tearing up. He wasn't much of a cryer, and Nick is just Nick.  I said my goodbyes and waved from the escalator. I sighed and we began walking to our terminal. "We're departing in 10 mins we need to hurry" Lavar said and we got to our terminal right when they were boarding our section. We gave them our tickets and boarded the plane, I sat in the window while Melo sat in the middle with Gelo on his other side. I took a picture of the plane taking off from the window and captioned it, 'New adventures' posting it to Instagram. We had finally took off and I sighed putting my head against the window. "Hey, everything will be ok, alright?" Melo asked squeezing my hand.

"Your right, Everything will be ok as long as I'm with you."

And that's a wrap for this story, if people want me to make another story continuing this one let me know, but other than that I'm going to start a new story about Jordan Poole. But if you don't, I love you and thanks for reading 💗💗💗

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