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When I got up I put my outfit on and did my makeup, deciding to skip breakfast because I had to finish the homework I didn't do last night. Once I was ready I waited on my phone for Nick and Ally. We got to school and when I saw the table I laughed to myself because we all decided to be country club and we looked like we came straight from outer banks. I sat down next to Melo, "love the shirt" I say. He was wearing a floral button up and beige golf shorts. He laughed. "Wanna come over tonight? We're having spaghetti" he said and I agreed. "Meet me at my house at 4" He said and I kissed him goodbye before we all split up. When I went into first period it was a little different because I saw a couple of older kids standing at the front of the classroom but I still sat in the corner with Marcus. Once the bell rang our teacher stood up and the rest of the upperclassmen came in. "So today we are going to have these seniors who will introduce themselves when I'm done explaining. They are going to interview you guys and get to know you guys then next week you guys will interview them. So let's go around and say our names" he pointed to them. "I'm Melissa" "I'm Danika" "I'm Shea" "I'm Andrew" "and I'm Lonzo" I looked at him and waved. He smiled and waved back. We all said our names and he grouped us all out 3 with everyone. I was lucky and got with Marcus, Angie, and Lonzo. "Well I'm glad I didn't get stuck will all strangers" Lonzo said and I laughed. He knew me of course hut Maddy looked confused. "This is Melos brother" I told her and it clicked to her. He asked us questions about ourselves and he asked us things about the school and the people that are around us. At the end of class I said goodbye to Lonzo and went to second period. We were only taking notes in second so it went by fairly quickly, I couldn't wait to see Melo. When I got into 3rd period we sat down at the bleachers. The class was soccer and me and Melo went to the weight room instead. We chilled in there occasionally doing something but mostly just sitting on the yoga balls. Melo had a 'great idea' of us running at each other with the yoga balls in front of us. We both got ready "this is so stupid" I said as we ran at each other. Once we made impact Melo jumped back a little bit and I damn near got thrown at the wall, luckily not hitting it and falling back onto the floor. We were laughing so hard we damn near pissed ourselves then just talked until the bell rang. The rest of the day was chill because we didn't do much today, I couldn't tell you why but the teachers just seemed tired today. Once the study hall period started I decided to actually participate, just in the locker room. I did my homework in the locker room then got ready before practice while listening to music. Alisha joined me soon before practice and we just did each others hair like we always did. Alisha and I were friends since she started playing in 6th grade, I started in 2nd. We went out and started warming up, goofing around since it was only us with no coaches. There were only 5 of us there and some of Melos friends came up to us with him. "5v5?" Melo asked. "Bet" I said and we all started playing our coaches and the rest of our teammates came in soon after and we went off on our sides to practice, us girls practiced hard for the game tomorrow.

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