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I woke up super early for the last day of school, I put on ripped Jean shorts and a pink baby tee that said 'in your dreams' with my military black Jordan's. I woke up early because Me Nick and Ally were going out to breakfast before school. I ran downstairs still brushing my hair, they were down there waiting for me. "Lost track of time" I explained and he nodded as we all went out to the car. The car ride went by quick, the air getting warmer and warmer as we got there. I got out and went over to our table, sitting next to Melo. "Hey baby" he kissed me "hey babe. You excited for our last day of school?" I asked him. "Kinda, it's hot asf tho and I know today is gonna feel really long." He whined. "Yeah totally, well let's go get this over with" I said after the bell rang.

Time skip ⏭️

The last bell rang after what felt like h o u r s. I met up with Maddy at the front of the school, we were waiting for our friend Nicki who is a senior because we were going out to lunch with a bunch of her friends. She found us and we got in the car, we had to fit 9 people in an SUV so everyone had someone sit on their lap, apart from Nicki since she was driving, and had two people sit in the trunk. We drove to Los Angeles, thankfully it was only 40 minutes away so by the time we got there it was late lunch time. We had a reservation for Texas Roadhouse for 3 and we got there at 2:45. When we got seated we all ordered our drinks, our food took a while to come out because there were so many of us but near 5:00 we were all done and we went to get ice cream for the drive home, except instead of single cones we got quarts of ice cream in a couple flavors for us all to share. The warm air was blowing on us the whole way back with the base of our songs vibrating the whole car. My dad texted me

Dad 🖤
Hey honey are you gonna be home tonight?

Yeah I'll be home in about 15 minutes what's up?

Dad 🖤
Well I have to leave for work to Montana in about 2 hours and I want to see you before I go

Yeah of course, I'll be home soon

I shut my phone off and Maddy slid off my lap and stood up sticking her head out of the sunroof "girl get your ass back in here your gonna die!" I laughed dragging her back down. We dropped some people off at their houses and I was the last since I lived down the street from Nicki. "Alright text me later bye bitch" Nicki said parking "Ok bye Minaj" I said and she groaned, I always call her Minaj and it gets on her nerves because y'know... Nicki Minaj. Anyways I put my bag in my room and went into my parents room, my dad was packing a suitcase. "So how long are you gonna be out there?" I asked him, I've always been used to my dad being away for some time because he is a truck driver but hey, he's making bank for himself so I'm happy for him. "Only a week, but lets go eat dinner, I got Chinese food." He said and we ran downstairs with hun chasing after me. I giggled when he grabbed me and started tickling me. "Stawpppp" I laughed and we settled down to eat dinner.

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