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I sat down with my team while the JV started warming up and Melo came to sit with me. Once it was halftime I had to go to the locker room with my team so we can change into our jerseys since we have to dress up for the JV games. We talked about plays and the things we can do to beat this team. Near the middle of halftime we went out onto the court and started shooting around while the music played. We all started shooting from half, some of us could, some of us couldn't. I look and see Melo taking a video of me and I smiled blowing him a kiss. The halftime ended and we went to sit back on the bleachers so I sat back down then layed across the bleachers with my head in Melos lap. He smiled down at me and played with my hair, then grabbed my hand kissing the back of it, because he couldn't reach my face. I smiled and did the same thing with his hand. The JV game was at 3 minutes left so I tied my shoe, while Melo tied my other one. The buzzer rang and me and my team all went out onto the court. I played my phone into the speakers in the gym and played the warmup playlist. Money in the grave by Drake was our little intro song so I started it and we were all warming up. We started it with shooting 3's then went on to do layup lines. On left hand layups I would do reverse layups and on rights I would do a 360 jump with a reverse, it was just my thing. Once it hit one minute we all took off our warmups, and starters sat on the bench. They start by introducing the other team. "Now for our chino hills huskies, starting off a sophomore point guard number 20 Alisha Tucker!" The announcer said and she ran through the aisle we make. "And our sophomore shooting guard number 13 Taylor Larabee!" He said and I went down the aisle, doing our handshake with Sammy who was standing at the end of the aisle.
Katrina, Jazzy, and Faith were introduce then we did the National anthem. Jazzy our center was doing jump ball and Alisha was behind her. The game started and she tipped the ball back to her. The girl Jazzy was doing jump ball with was about 5 inches shorter, jazzy is 6'2 so she obviously got to it before the opponent. By the end of the first half We we're winning 32-18. Next qI banged a couple 3's and 6 layups. The end of the game I went to our book keeper and saw I scored 26 points through out the whole game. We won 74-58 and we all high-fived the other team and the refs. Going into the locker room we were all having a good time and coach gave us some compliments, complimenting me by telling me I was points leader. We finished up and I walked out after everyone else, going to Melo and hugging and kissing him. "Good job baby you did great" he said after we kissed, holding my hips. "Thank you babe, wanna get ice cream with me Nick and Ally?" I asked him. "Yeah sure lemme just text my dad"he said and pulled out his phone. "Ight I'm gonna find them I'll be right back" I said and walked off on my hunt to find Nick and Ally. I saw them sitting at the top of the bleachers and they came down to the bottom. "Hey can Melo come with us to spoon?" I asked them and they said yes. I found Melo standing where he was when I left. "What did your dad say" I asked holding his hand. "He said ok" He said grabbing my other hand too.

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