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Friday afternoon

I was sitting on my bed after packing my overnight bag since I'm sleeping over Melos tonight. I hear a knock and my mom walked in. "Ay teetee what should I wear this or this?" She asked, option 1 was a black long sleeve with skinny jeans and heels and the other was jeans and a white shirt with a light brown cardigan. "The cardigan one, and wear silver jewelry with it and it'll look nice" I suggested, my mom always asked me for outfit advice I'm like her personal assistant. I put on leather leggings and a white sweater, when I went downstairs I laced up my military black Jordan's. My dad came down and I told him he looked nice, he usually doesn't dress up but he had on a button up and dress pants. My mom came down too and we went out to the car, it only took about 10 minutes to get to Melos house. My dad knocked on the door and Lavar opened it "Trevor! So nice to meet you" he said shaking his hand. He already knew my mom a little bit so he greeted her too and hugged me. When we got in he yelled to the boys to come down and Tina was sitting in the dining room already. "Hey Tina" I said going to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Hi Tay" the boys came down and shook my dads hand and lightly hugged my mom. They dapped me up too pulling me into hugs. "Hey baby, you look beautiful" Melo said giving me a kiss and wrapping his arms around me "hey babe, you don't look so bad yourself" I tapped his chest and he smiled at me. I brought my bag to Melos room then came back into the dining room. We all sat down at the table and Lavar brought out spaghetti (with or without meatballs) with bread and salad. "Thank you guys for coming" Tina said, she was sat next to my mom. "Oh of course! Thank you for having us" my mom replied. "So we invited you over here to talk to you about something that we have been planning on for a little while and we were thinking about taking Taylor too. So around August we are going over seas to play basketball, Spire Academy has some of the best sport associations in the world and since Taylor wants to become a professional player this would be a huge step in that direction. And you may be wondering about the school aspect, we hired private tutors for the boys and if you agree to her coming with us we would get her one too and she would be homeschooled all of junior year. Think of this as her studying internationally while playing ball, what are your thoughts on this?" Lavar finished. I took a minute to process all of that, Lavar wants to take me across the world to play basketball, my dreams are literally coming true. "That sounds like a great idea and definetly a step in the right direction, as long as she can still get schooling then I don't see why not?" My mom said looking at my dad. "I just have a few questions, what country are y'all planning on going to and do we have to sign anything?" My dad asked. "Yeah, if you two and Taylor agree on her coming with us then we can sign her up for Spire but we would need your signatures on the final documents, and we are going to be in Lithuania for 5 to 6 months." Lavar said. They talked more about small details and talked more to me about it and once everyone finished dinner we came to the conclusion that my junior year will be spent overseas with my boyfriend and my second family.

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