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Melo POV

We went into the jewelry store downstairs, I had told Nick and out the idea of me getting Taylor a promise ring and I had him help me pick it out since he was now familiar with sizes and stuff. "Hello how may I help you?" An old lady asked "hello ma'am, I'm looking for a promise ring for my girlfriend, her favorite color is purple so I was gonna see if y'all could incorporate that?" I told her. "Yes yes of course, come here" she walked over to the ring section and showed us the options. She showed me this one ring where it had a silver band and purple stones on top. "I like this one" I told her. "What size is your girlfriend?" She asked. Shit I forgot to figure that out "crap, I didn't figure that out, but she's 5'6 and her hands are like this much smaller than mine" I said showing her my hand scrunched down a little bit. "That's fine, she'll most likely be a size 6" she said and grabbed a size 6 from the back. We went back over to the desk and I payed for it, the lady congratulated me and I thanked her telling her to have a nice day. Nick and I went and messed around in a basketball store for like ten minutes before we had to meet the girls.

Taylor POV

We decided to go there 5 minutes early and sat there until we saw them walking back. We started going through the mall and stopped at a shop that had all the dresses and formal outfits. "I need to get a shirt for tomorrow night" Melo said and we went into the store. "You like this one babe?" He asked me putting a black polo t-shirt up to his body. "Yeah I Like that it's cute, what color are your pants?" I ask him. "They're like a tan ish color" he says. We went to the cash register and he got the shirt. In the meantime Nick and Ally just looked around the store until we finished. "Hollister next?" Ally pointed to it across the way. "Yesss" I said and we went over to it. We split ways since the guys were in a different part of the store, Ally went to look at skirts and I went to look at pants, splitting up. I didn't end up getting anything because I didn't see anything appealing. I went back and saw Melo looking at a pair of jeans. I come out from behind him and scare him and he squeals while his voice cracked. "Gurl!" He laughed and bear hugged me. I got a notification on my story that says 'Ally 💙 tagged you in their story.' I look at it and it's a video of what just happened with the caption as 'cuties asf @Taylarabee @melo' I look over to where she filmed it and her and Nick were talking and giggling. "Once we left the mall it was almost 10, so we were kind of rushed out so they could close. We went up to our room and I kicked my shoes off immediately going to my room and flopping on the bed. "I'm sooo tired" I groaned. "Come here I'll get you ready for bed" Melo said and he picked me up bridal style. He brought me into the bathroom and sat me on the counter watching me do my night time routine. He carried me back to bed and put my pajamas on then did the same and covered us both up. "Goodnight baby sleep well" I mumbled half asleep "goodnight honey" Melo kissed my head and we fell asleep cuddling.

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