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"Ma, We're going out" I say to my mom walking into the living room to put our shoes on. "Ok, be home before 10" she says still watching tv. We got our shoes on and went out to the car. "Who's car is this?" I asked seeing a black Chevy traverse in the driveway. "It's Denise's, Zos girlfriends car" he says and I nod. Me and Melo sat in the middle row while Gelo and a girl were in the back row and Lonzo and who I assume is Denise in the front. "Sup lil man" Gelo dapped up Melo. "Izzy Denise this is Taylor it's Melos girlfriend" Lonzo said. So the girl with Gelo must be izzy. "Hi Taylor your so pretty!" Izzy said sweetly. "Thank you your very pretty too!" I smiled at her. "Ight ice cream time" Denise said and pulled out of the driveway. The drive was 30 minutes to Anaheim where there was a really cool ice cream place. Lonzos playlist I'm ngl that shit had us bumpin all the way there. Denise parked and we all got out, Melo grabbed my hand smiling at me as we walked in. "Hello I'm Anisha I will be your server tonight, what can I get y'all?" The girl said standing behind the register, we all ordered. Denise got banana split, Lonzo got rocky road, Izzy got cotton candy, Gelo got watermelon sorbet, Melo got cookie dough, and I got strawberry sorbet. After we all ordered and paid she gave Melo the receipt while staring at him. It creeped me out a little but we all sat down at a table outside. "What the fuck" Melo grumbled throwing the receipt on the table, I read it 'call me ;) xxx-xxx-xxxx' I grabbed it and crumpled it up. "Fucking bitch" I stood up and threw it away in the trash can inside. She watched me do it and I sarcastically smiled at her. When I sat back down Melo held my hand. We were sitting next to eachother so he leaned over to me. "Only you" he whispered and I smiled at him. "Lemme try that" Melo said nodding his head at my ice cream, I brought it up to his mouth and he bit it. "Dawg you bite ice cream? You weird" Gelo said and I laughed at him. He had me try his ice cream too and we all talked amongst ourselves, the brothers talked while us girls talked. "So how long have you guys been with those two? I've been with Lonzo for a month now" Denise asked us. "I've been with Gelo for almost 2 months" Izzy answered "I've been with Melo for a year today actually" I finished with licking my ice cream. "Oh damn, you a vet" she said and we all laughed. "Are y'all almost done?" Gelo asked us, I was almost finished. "Yeah why?" Izzy asked. "Let's Go to the movies" he suggested. "Bet, I can finish this in the car" I said and we all got up, throwing away our trash. We got back in the car and drove to the movies, this time it was a lot cooler outside so we kept the windows up, it's June but it still gets a little cold when it gets dark. "I still can't believe the last day of school is tomorrow. It's crazy how fast this year has gone" Melo sighed. "Your right, but I'm glad I spent my whole year with you" I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed, smiling. We got out of the car and got tickets to see teen beach 2. Since we just had ice cream we only got popcorn so we didn't end up on a sugar crash, when we got inside the movie room we sat all the way in the back middle, we got the best seats because the place was literally empty.

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