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We walked into the gym and sat on the bleachers with the student section, i always see on tiktok that other high school girls basketball games have like barely any audience but at Chino our team gets almost the same amount of fans as the boys. It was good to see some of my school friends out of school hours since I didn't really see my friends Nicki and Abbey often out of school. "Hey this Friday my dad wanted you and your family to come over for dinner that cool?" He asked me "Yeah sure what time?" I responded. "Around 4" He said. I nodded and the first quarter of the JV game ended. "I gotta go I'll see you in a minute" I said and kissed his cheek jumping down the bleachers and going into the locker room with my team. "Y'all get dressed and then go out at halftime yall ready to get turnt?!" Our coach said loudly "Hell yeah let's go girls it's senior night we gotta show out for the last game" Katrina said, she's one of our 3 seniors. Coach left and we all finished getting dressed, we all took a team photo for the yearbook. The buzzer went off "oh shit yo it's halftime we gotta go" Faith said and grabbed the ball cage to roll out. We went onto the court and all lined up at the baseline. We waited for our athletic director to start speaking on the microphone. "Thank you all for coming to this special night where we're honoring our seniors Katrina Armstrong, Faith Carrie, and Jazzy Santana, come on up girls" she said and they walked up to her all getting flowers as their parents walked on stage, "Faith has been playing since 5th grade and is leaving to LSU this fall, she is surrounded by her 2 sisters mom and dad, Taylor would like to share a word for you" she said and I walked over as she handed me a microphone "Faith, I met you when I started playing for the Highschool in eighth grade and you immediately became like my older sister. Now that your a senior it's finally our time to say goodbye and I can't wait to see you on the big screen as a tiger, we all love you and wish you the best" I finished I was tearing up and Faith was fully crying as she ran to me and hugged me picking me up and I clung to her. The rest of the girls got their flowers and speeches from their underclassmen teammates. We now had 10 minutes left of halftime so we shot around and mainly just fucked off shooting ridiculous half court, trick shots, picking eachother up to dunk. We wanted to spend fun time with our seniors before we never play with them again. The buzzer went off and we all got off the court and back onto the bleachers. "Your senior night is tomorrow right?" I asked Melo as I sat down. "Yeah it is, I have to dress up nice" he whines making me giggle. "I love seeing you dressed up nice" I rest my head on his shoulder and he puts his head on top of mine. "I love seeing you dressed up more, no backsies" I rolled my eyes and lifted my head up, he smiled at me. "Oh shit I have to go, I love you" I said after seeing the scoreboard is at 20 seconds. We kiss and I hopped down with my bag to the team chilling in a corner. "Y'all ready? Big night" I asked helping our big Kayla up, she got shitty ass knees. The buzzer went off and we began warming up on the court. "Ay come here" coach waved us over. "Let's win this one yeah?" She asked and we all agreed. "Here's our starting lineup for our chino hills huskies! Starting off we have senior power forward number 23 Faith Carrie, a junior center number 44 Kayla Toledo, a sophomore point guard number 20 Alisha Tucker, a senior small forward number 17 Jazzy Santana, and a shooting guard number 13 Taylor Larabee" the announcer said as we all went onto the court for the national anthem.

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