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I woke up really late Tuesday morning and quickly got dressed in purple sweatpants and a white 'essentials' hoodie and quickly ran to brush my teeth doing my makeup at the same time. I finished my makeup and I finished brushing my hair in a matter of 20 minutes. I was going back into my room and my mom came out of her room still in her pajamas. "Shit my alarm clock didn't work" she said stumbling into the bathroom "yeah mine didn't either I woke up like 30 mins ago, first period already started" I said and looked at my watch and it was 8:56 meaning that second period started almost 30 mins ago. "Ok we need to go" my mom said now not with crazy hair and I ran into my room and grabbed my bag and my phone, seeing hella texts from my friends and Melo. I texted them all telling them what happened as we got to school. "Text me and lmk how everything goes." She tells me and I said ok shutting the door and walking into the office. "Hey, I need a tardy pass?" I ask the old grumpy looking chick working the front desk. "Yup, that's a detention tho" she said and started writing. "Uh what why?" I asked her, with no attitude whatsoever. "Cause I don't like your attitude and your very late not even a half hour. Good day." She basically threw my tardy pass at me. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the office, what a bitch. I text my mom.

Me: Guess who got detention because apparently I gave the office girl attitude and was 'vErY lAtE' 🫥🫥

Mom: oh fuck nah, is her name Kimberley by chance?"

Me: yeah I think so?

Mom: that bitch worked at the office when I went there, she did this same thing to me. It's fine just go to it this afternoon and your not in trouble with me shes just an old hag

Me: kk I will ttyl love u

Mom: love u to

I made it to algebra and Alisha damn near flew over to me "damn girl I thought you was dead or sum" she said squeezing me. "Nah I'm not" I said. We sat back down and I sighed seeing the empty seat infront of me, Carrah used to sit there but she just moved to Miami last week. The bell rang after a couple of minutes and I left to gym, seeing Melo on the bleachers on his phone. He looks up and sees me jumping down and hugging me tight "babe your squishing me" I giggled, we sat down on the bleachers "I missed you, how'd you sleep in anyway?" He asked. "Neither mine or my moms alarm went off and so when I got here that dust bag in the front office gave me detention tonight because I had 'attitude' and was 'very late' like bitch your funeral is very late tf? Her old ass" I grumbled and he laughed but wrapped his arm around me "it's ok baby, you still coming to the game tonight then?" He asked "Yeah of course, it's my brother in laws senior night" I said winking at him and he blushed and smiled. We played badminton for gym then went to lunch. "I almost forgot my lunch this morning too" I said and Maddy laughed.

Time skip ⏭️ 2:15 after school

The last bell rang and I sighed walking to the office, walking by the office lady instead into the principals office. "Hey I have detention, where would I go for that" I asked him. "Oh yes that's in Mrs fortini's room, that's next to the math room" he said not looking up from his laptop. I thanked him and made my way to her classroom, I was glad that it was her doing detention duty because she was a teacher I was hella cool with.

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