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Once we got home I couldn't stop smiling and took a shower, thinking about Melo. I got ready for bed and went to sleep fairly quickly, tired from tonight's... events.

Time skip ⏭️

When I woke up I got out of bed and looked down, seeing my lower half covered in blood. I screamed and ran into my bathroom. Ally came crashing into my room "what happened?!" She yelled to me, seeing my sheets covered in blood. I was silent for a few seconds then came out of the bathroom and she saw my shorts covered in blood too "fuck! My period is a day early I wasn't expecting it today!" I groaned in frustration. I got in the shower to quickly rinse off and then took my sheets off so I can wash them after school. Todays theme was pajama day and me and Melo are gonna match with the matching monsters inc pajama sets we got a few weeks back. I put it on and did my makeup, while listening to Nicki Minaj. I packed my period stuff in my school bag and waited downstairs skipping breakfast since I was in a grumpy mood. I was silent in the car ride and when we got to the school my attitude got lighter when I saw Melo. He was talking to a friend while standing next to the table and then saw me and started walking over to me. I didn't say anything and hugged him sighing because I finally felt at peace. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him nonchalantly. "What's wrong baby" he asked and he kissed my cheek. "I woke up this morning in a pool of blood, I thought you killed my vagina last night but my period just came a day early" I said winking near the end. He smirked but kissed me putting me down lightly. "That would've scared the shut out of me too baby, if you need anything let me know alright?" He asked me and I nodded. I loved the fact that he was so caring for me while I was dealing with things. I'm first period we were doing the interview things with Lonzo again. We sat down at our table and he looked at me. "So what were you and Melo up to last night?" He joked wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shush" I said pinching him in the arm "damn gorilla grip" he mumbled giggling. I laughed at him and we began the interview. Once we were done the next period seemed to go by so slow, I went to the bathroom in the middle of it to change my tampon, texting Isaiah who didn't come to school. Gym class me and Melo went to the weight room and we just chilled on the yoga mats and yoga balls. At the end of the day when I went to the locker room I changed my tampon again and sat there since I used 20 mins to do my homework that I didn't want to do later.  I waited for the school to be empty while my teammates show up. We always stay after school until 5:30 JV or varsity. Coach called it team bonding but we all really just gossiped for the 2 hours we waited. We all got our jerseys on and helped each other do our hair. We were all so excited that this was our first home game this year.

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