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"Alright you ready? My dads here" I asked Melo and he picked up his bag. We went downstairs and said goodbye to his family. My dad pulled in the driveway and we got into the car. "I'm so excited for this weekend" I said to my dad. We were renting an air bnb in the middle of New York City and Nick was proposing in time square Saturday evening. We got to my house and my family said hello to Melo, it was kinda late to we went to my room. He set his bag down and grabbed his clothes to sleep in and his toothbrush. We went to the bathroom and while we brushed our teeth Melo was holding my waist with one hand. I took a mirror pic and put it on my story with 🥰🥰 as the caption. I changed into a tank top and pajama shorts. When I went back into my room Melo was already laying in my bed smiling. I got in with him and when I pulled the covers up I saw he had no shirt on "Jesus are you naked?!" I asked him. "No I have boxers on" he giggled and scooted up, he was wearing hot pink boxers with donuts on it. I laughed and went to turn the light off and the tv on. I got back in and we cuddled up to each other "goodnight baby" he said and kissed me. "Goodnight Babe" I said and we fell asleep.

Next morning ⏭️

I woke up because I felt Melo move his arm over me, he was basically laying on top of me with most of his body on mine. He woke up and squinted then shut his eyes again. "Good morning" he said "Morning, your a lot bigger than me y'know" I said and rubbed his back with both hands. He looked confused then laughed when he realized he was laying on top of me after he opened his eyes. He rolled over then pulled me to lay on him. "Forgot your a midget" He smiled jokingly. "Oh shush Bigfoot I'm 5'6 your just a giant" I replied. A 5'11 man looks wayyy bigger than a 5'6 girl, specially at our age no dude in our grade was tall like him. My mom knocked and I told her come in. "Goodmorning sweetie, we're making breakfast now so get ready and bring your bags downstairs" she told me "ok ma" I said and she left I got up while Melo was on his phone and went into his bag grabbing him shorts and a hoodie. I put on fuzzy grey shorts and a pastel pink 'anti social social club' hoodie. He got up and I gave him his outfit "oh bet I got myself a designer" he popped his invisible collar and I laughed. I only put mascara on since we're gonna be on a plane for most of the day, New York is also a different time zone. We both finished getting ready and Melo grabbed his bag then when I went to grab mine he took it too 'gentleman' I said to myself, howwww did I end up with this mans. We ate breakfast, which was waffles, and Melo went to help my dad and Nick put our bags in the car. While he was out there me mom and Ally were talking. "He's a good kid Tay, I'm glad your with him" Ally hugs me. "I think he's the one" my mom winked at me. We shared a laugh and finished with everything we needed to do before we leave, I went outside with Ally and a few minutes later I see my mom come outside and lock the door.

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