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I figured i would leave y'all with 2 chapters before I go to bed 🫶🏻- Whitney/author.

While we were waiting for the last few minutes some of the people we were eating with asked me questions about myself while Melo rested his head on my shoulder. We talked about the party, basketball, and other things. By the time the food came we ended the conversation and Melo was back to his normal self, smiling fully and giggling with me. We ate our food and I mostly listened to Nick talking to his friends about the video game that he loves to play with them. Nick is on his game a lot when I go into his room, always on the same game, Modern Warfare 2. After everyone was finished eating we all had a big conversation for another hour before we left. When we got to our house Alexander stayed with us but all the other friends got in their cars and went home. Me and Melo were chilling in my room on our phones when Nick knocks on my door. "Yo sis wanna go in the hot tub with us?" He asked and me and Melo said yes. I told Melo to bring swimming shorts before he slept over because I wanted to use it today. I put on my teal blue bikini with a light blue towel wrapped around my waist to go outside. Melo wore teal trunks with black flames on the bottom. "Ay we matchin" I said and we did our handshake smiling like idiots. We got downstairs and Ally Nick and Alexander were already in so we joined them and got in to. We were vibing listening to music and drinking hot chocolate, to compensate for the cold air. The warm water felt really nice, mid January was around 45 degrees which is cold in California so the warm water and warm hot chocolate felt like a good change for our bodies. After about an hour we all got out and went inside, leaving to the bathroom to dry off, changing into sweatpants and a sports bra. Me and Melo were watching a movie and my mom FaceTimed me. "Hey ma, hows NY?" I asked her. "It's been good, whatcha been up to?" She asks me. "Oh nothing much Melos over rn and we just went out to breakfast with Nick Ally and his friends." I told her. "Oh nice, we'll hey Melo it's good to see you again" she said waving to him. "It's nice to see you too Natalie" he responded, him and my mom were such good friends because we see each other at least 3 times a week. "Well I've got to go, Maxine has to eat lunch. Love you!" She told me. "Love you too ma" I said and hung up. I sighed and layed my head on Melos chest and he wrapped his arm around me. "She's gonna be coming back this upcoming Friday" I told him  "that's good, I'm sure she misses you" he said "does she do that a lot?" He finished. "Yeah she goes on a lot of business trips and my dad is almost always never home, he's a trucker so he's only home about one week a month." I explained. "Cool cool" he said and we sat in comfortable silence with each other. I kissed him on the nose since he was drifting into a nap, once I knew he was fully asleep I put my earbud in to watch tiktok so I don't wake him. Our relationship is probably one of the best I've seen, we're like the new generation Nick and Ally.

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