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A couple weeks later.

I put Melos jersey on with a white sweatshirt under it and grey sweatpants with my panda dunks. Me and Ally got in her car, since Nick had to take the team bus. They had an away game about an hour away so we started driving at 4 to get there at 5 to watch the JV game with our boyfriends. Nick planned on proposing to Ally this weekend so I kept it a secret. We stopped for gas and I took a picture of Ally laughing because she had her hood up and she looked like a bum. Me and her were matching with the white sweatshirt and grey sweatpants but we both had on the guys jerseys. Once we got there we saw them all going into the school so we walked in with them. I talked to one of the guys while Melo wrapped his arm around my shoulder. All the varsity boys and some of their girlfriends, if they had one, sat down in the bleachers seeing the student section pile up with people. At halftime they all left so I sat with Ally since my parents don't really go to the away games. Our JV won 63-54 and Varsity started warming up. Gelo was the tallest on the team so he did jump ball, hitting it over to Melo behind him. Melo made 28 points in the first half and Gelo made 23. At halftime I stood up to go to concession. When I was walking there I walk past the student section and walked across the baseline into the hallway. When I was waiting in line I felt someone tap me in the shoulder. I turn around and see a guy who looked like a junior or sophomore with a bunch of other guys. "Yo lemme get your snap?" He said and held out his phone with his profile pulled up. "Uhm I have a boyfriend" I said and gave him a weird look. "That's Ight he ain't gonna know, my dick game prolly better anyway" he said and tried to grab my shoulder. I slapped his hand away and shoved him. "Nah back the fuck up, you weird for that" I gave him the stink eye and walked away after getting my skittles. I walk into the gym annoyed and sit back down huffing, "what happened?" Ally asked me looking annoyed. "Some cunt in the cafeteria asked me for my snap and I said I had a boyfriend and he goes 'hE aInT gOtTa KnOw' like yes tf he do" I said mocking him. "Oml guys are so annoying for what" Ally said and I agreed. Once the game started the second half we were all cheering, the game tied 64-64 and with 10 seconds left on the clock Melo hit a three, winning them the game. I cheered for him and he smiled at me then his team all came out on the court and threw him in the air. They calmed down and went into the locker room. Me and Ally waited on the court with everyone else, they started coming out and Melo ran out to me, quickly picking me up and spinning us around. "Good Job Baby!" I said excitedly, kissing him. He put me down and we walked over to his family.  He hugged his parents and they told him he did good then hugged me. "Hey Lavar!" I said while he hugged me. "Hey girl!" He laughed, he always calls me girl for some reason, but I love it. I said goodbye to Melo and him and Nick left to the team bus with the rest of the team.

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