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We walked out into the airport, finally back in chino hills with the warmer temperature and even warmer airports. It was 56 degrees outside yet I was sweating inside of the airport. My mom said the same thing so we got out to the parking garage by hauling ass through the terminals. "Now where did I park the car" my dad asked looking around for it "fuck it" he said and whipped out his keys hitting the alarm button, we hear a beeping in the distance and follow it, taking us only a few minutes. "Glad to be home" I said "yeah me too" Melo added. Our drive home was quiet because a lot of us were sleeping, we dropped Melo off at home and our dads were talking, I started eaves dropping while helping Melo with his bags. "Yeah she's a great girl, I'm glad they met she definitely keeps hm in check" Lavar said and I smiled to myself. "Tina!" I dropped Melos bag and went over to hug her "Hey dear how was the city?!" She smiled hugging me back. "It was awesome we did so much, my brother proposed and Melo got me this promise ring" I showed her the purple ring on my finger. "Oh wow that's cute!" She said and I was called upstairs, grabbing the bag I had dropped and walking up. I turned the corner and saw all three boys in Melos room. "Hey guys" I greeted. "Hey girl" Gelo said. "I was just telling them about you,  show em your ring" He said and i took it off my finger handing it to Lonzo. "Dammmmn" he said and passed it to Gelo. "Well she's gonna be my wife one day ion mind spending" he said and kissed me holding onto my waist. "Of course, although Lonzo gonna be getting his own ring this year toooo, he told me about your drafting I'm so happy for you" I hugged him, Melos older brothers were like my older brothers too so you know I was excited when I heard he signed with the Lakers. "You comin to the party?" He asked, I nodded. We talked a little longer until Lavar called our names. We walked downstairs and Tina Lavar and my family were talking. "Yo boys, introduce yourselves to the Larabee's" he told them. "I'm Liangelo you can call me Gelo" he said hugging my mom and shaking my dads hand. "And I'm Lonzo you can call me Zo" Lonzo said doing the same. Lonzo already knew Nick and Ally from basketball but Gelo dapped him up and said hello to Ally. "Well we best get going have a good evening" my mom said. We all said our goodbyes and made our way back home. My moms friend was house sitting and taking care of my cat while we were away so she was there when we got home. "Hey Denise!" I hugged her and she kissed my cheek, her and my mom have been best friends since they were 15. "Hey honey! How was y'all's vacation?" She asked "it was great! We've got a new soon to be Larabee coming in" my mom told her, Denise knew about nicks plan before we left and she congratulated them. "Well i will be off now, bye hun!" Denise said and we all waved her goodbye. "Welp, school tomorrow" I sighed, I was kind of happy to go to see my friends but I hated some of my teachers and some students too. "Yeah, remember that it's senior night" my dad reminded me. "Well I'm gonna get ready for bed, you should go off to bed early too, jet lag sucks ass going from New York to Cali" my mom said walking into the kitchen. I took all my bags upstairs and got into my pajamas quickly getting ready and going to bed.

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