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We got out of the car and went around the corner, seeing the big screens and bustling cars of time square. "Come here I need to show you something" I say and hold her hand pulling her to the middle of time square. All the screens went dark then one lit up, and it began to say words, "Ally, the love of my life, I've loved you since we became friends in 6th grade. You made me a paper ring the day we met, now it's my turn to repay the favor. Look at me" it stopped and Ally was tearing up, she looked at Nick walking towards her getting on one knee and reaching into his pocket. "Ally, will you marry me?" He asked. She was shocked and tears rolled down her face "yes!" She yelled and he stood up kissing her, everyone who was watching began clapping and I smiled while happy tears came out and Melo put his arm around my shoulder and we saw my mom and dad recording in the crowd, crying themselves. Since it was 6pm now we were gonna go out to dinner to celebrate. We chose Texas Roadhouse, since that was the closest restaurant that wasn't super fancy or not fancy at all. We had a fun time and we all got some variation of meat, I was sitting in between Ally and Melo, with Nick sitting with mom and dad on the other side of the table. "I'm taking mom and dad to the movies after this, you two have fun" I whispered to Ally and winked playfully. She giggled and we all finished our food. "Goodbye you two we will meet you all home soon!" My mom said and kissed Nick on the cheek. We split up with them and drove to the movies, my dad chose to watch wakanda forever so everyone got their tickets and snacks. Throughout the movie me and Melo cuddled and shared our snacks, he took a picture of me where I had stuffed my mouth with popcorn. "I posted that on my Instagram story" he smirked "no you did not bffr" I said and pulled out my phone and logging into insta, seeing my big ass face stuffed with popcorn on his story. "Melo I look endangered!" I whined and he laughed. I took a goofy picture of him and posted it too, my friends slid up with some 🤡's and 😭's. We watched the rest of the movie and my mom secretly fell in love with Michael B Jordan and whispered it to me. Once the credits rolled we got up and left. When we got back to our hotel we could hear Nick snoring and my mom shut their door quietly, "remember to repack, we're leaving tomorrow morning" my dad said. I sighed and me and Melo went into our room. I looked out the window at the city, the streets glowing of yellow headlights. Melo wrapped his arms around me "you ok baby?" He asked me kissing my cheek. "Yeah I'm okay babe, I just hope we come back soon, this is basically my home." I explained, "really?" He asked intrigued. "Yep, I lived in Rochester up until 7th grade when we moved to chino, a lot of my family already lived down there, so we all left except my aunt" I told him. He didnt know much about my past even though he knows so much about me, he never asked so I never told him. I packed up my bag in silence while Melo did the same, singing jolting bling by drake. Once we both finished we got ready for bed together and got in bed. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled into my side, turning the tv on for background noise. "Goodnight baby I Love You" He said and picked his head up to kiss me. "I love you too babe" I replied and we soon fell asleep

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