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I Walk out of the locker room and see people warming up so I grab a ball and do the same, going to a hoop to share with Alisha. Once the coach came in we all began doing the drills and things but we only did half court drills since the boys used the other side of the gym. After the two hours were up we went into a huddle, "So you all did very good tonight and I will email the people who made it and I will not be emailing the people who didn't, I'm sending out the emails at 5:30 sharp tonight about what time practices will be." Coach Kathy said. She gave us a small lecture about being sure you want to play for her and then she let us go. The guys were still in a huddle so I went into the locker room and changed, then sat on the bench waiting for Nick to get done since he was sleeping at moms tonight, so he was my ride tonight. They got done and I went over to Melo, "hey, my house tonight at 7?" I asked him. "Yes, I'll see you then" he said picking me up hugging me, I wrap my legs around his waist putting my head in his neck. I hear someone clear their throat in front of us "Tay, is this that boyfriend mom told me about?" Nick said and Melo put me down gently. "Yeah, this is LaMelo, Melo this is my brother Nick" I said and they shook hands "nice to meet you kid, I assume we'll be on the same team this year" Nick said. "Alright Tay let's go home mom made pasta" He said. I said ok and goodbye to Melo and walked off following Nick. Once we got home I went into the kitchen. "Hey ma when's dinner gonna be done?" I asked her. "In about 2 minutes could you set the table?" She asked and I grabbed forks and other things setting the table. Nick and I sat down when mom brought out our bowls of pasta,I finished mine quickly because I checked the time, 6:00. I need to check my emails! I finished my pasta quickly and ran up to my room grabbing my phone off the charger. I go into the email app and I see this. 

From: KathyRaincourt@gmail.com
To: TaylorLarabee13@gmail.com

Hello, it's Coach Kathy, I just wanted to congratulate you for making the varsity team this year! Practice Monday at 2:30 here, our first game is in 2 weeks on Thursday, the boys game is on Wednesday.
Your best regards, Kathy.

I giggled and ran to Nicks room. "Hey did you get the email too??" I asked him "yeah, congrats Tay!" He said hugging me. "Thanks bro, well Melo is coming over tonight I'm gonna go get ready, see you tomorrow?" I asked. "Yes, no funny business tonight Larabee" Nick said wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shush" I laughed shutting his door. I put on a black crop top and grey plaid pajama pants, putting my hair in a messy bun and going downstairs. "Melo is almost here ma I'm gonna wait on the porch" I told her and put my coat on, zipping it up and stepping outside. It was 6:54 ish when Melo pulled up and I turned on the driveway light, running out and pulled him into a big hug once he got out of his car. "Have a good evening Lavar!" I said because he rolled down his window. "Of course, don't do any thing I wouldn't do Melo!" Lavar said giving him a look. "Yes dad, byeee" he waved to his dad and we went inside of my house turning off the porch lights.

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