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I walked in and saw kids sitting on the bleachers and Mrs Austin doing attendance. I sat in the lower half and she called my name. "Here" I waved to her and she smiled. "So this week we're just going to do basketball, we will have a new sport every week so next week will be volleyball." She said and rolled out the basketball cage and everyone went to grab a ball. When I went to grab a ball another hand grabbed the same one I did. "Oh sorry" I looked up and saw a tall guy with curly hair and braces. "It's all good, I'm Melo" he said and I grabbed the ball next to the one we both grabbed. "I'm Taylor, do you hoop?" I asked him and he nodded "it's in my name too" right after he said that I heard "LaMelo Ball?" Mrs Austin said and he raised his hand. "I figured you would, your tall" I said and he laughed. We played 1v1 most of gym class at the end we ended up just shooting around and talking. "Do you plan on playing for the school this year?" He asked me, doing a reverse layup. "Yeah, my brother is a junior this year I'm sure you'd be on the same team" I said, then the bell rang. We walked over putting our balls back in the rack. "Well I'll see you around?" I asked him "yeah, see you" he smiled, showing his braces with that thousand dollar smile. We parted ways and I couldn't help but blush remembering the way he looked at me when we played in gym. I smiled all the way to 4th period and found the History room, sitting down next to Maddy near the back. "What are you all smiley about??" She questioned me. "I met this guy in gym class, he hoops too and he's really nice and funny and sweet and he was so respectful and-" I ranted and she cut me off "woah woah woah slow down lover girl, you just met him" she said and we laughed, then the teacher started talking. "I'm Mr Keo and we aren't gonna be doing much this week except an introduction" he said and went on with everyone introducing themselves.

Time skip ⏭️

Lunch, 5th, and 6th period were boring, luckily I had friends in those classes, then I went to the science room for 7th period. When I walked in I was the first there so I sat in the back right corner, seeing everyone fill in. Then I saw LaMelo walk in, see me, smile, and walk over sitting next to me. "You again?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, not hiding my smile. "You know it" he laughs. Through out the whole class we would talk quietly while the science teacher gave us a small intro lesson and having us work on a worksheet that would help her get to know us. She talked some more about things that we were going to be doing this semester and things like that. While she was handing us the worksheets she told us a bit about herself. We did the sheet, then she let us have the last 15 minutes of class to ourselves. Me and LaMelo went on with our conversation already becoming good friends the first day of meeting. Those 15 minutes we got to know each other so much more than I thought we would and we exchanged numbers, so we could FaceTime and stuff. The bell rang and we got up, since we had a 30 minute period in our 1st period class I went there and talked to Marcus for the rest of the time since we didn't have any homework for now since it's only the first day. The last bell finally rang, everyone got up and walked out of class and left. I sighed while walking out the door, finishing my first day of sophomore year.

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