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Hey y'all, sorry about the delay I try to post a chapter everyday but this weekend I'm really busy but I will be back to normal by the beginning of the week. -Whitney

(A week later)
I got up around 9am and carefully stood up without waking my cat. I'm home alone because my mom and dad are at work. The windows were all curtained making it dim downstairs so I opened all the windows squinting for a minute from the sudden light. My cat came thumping down the stairs tiredly, she is a Maine coon so she has long legs that help her stride down the stairs easier than normal cats.

(The big cat is a Maine coon)

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(The big cat is a Maine coon)

Although she is still really young, 5yrs old, she is still bigger than an average cat. I made cereal and sat it on the counter, I put her food in her bowl next to my feet and scrolled on my phone, going through Instagram and people's stories. I watched Lonzos story as Gelo and Izzy dragged Melo out of bed and threw him in the pool. I laughed and snapped Melo a picture of me eating "how was your swim" I put at the text on the bottom. He opened it then I got his response, his hair was in a towel "scrumptious" he wrote. I laughed, me and Melo had an inside joke that we would randomly use big words in sentences. I went back upstairs and changed from my pjs to black shorts and a purple spaghetti strap crop top with my bathing suit under it, me and Nicki are going to the beach today and going to the shopping strip to find dresses for the mid-summers party. The midsummers party is a party that a bunch of adults plan a party and invite everyone and their kids from the town to the golf course for dancing and eating, then later on at night the kids would have a party of their own with booze and music. But for the adult party you have to dress nice so I needed to find a dress for both parties and so did Nicki. I heard her pull up and beep, I took my keys and my purse saying goodbye to my cat and getting in the car. "Hey gorgeous" I said "hey sexy, u ready for da beach?" She asked. "Hell yeah I'm gonna get me a tan and such" I mocked a jersey accent making her laugh. "Well we've got an hour to go so put on some tunes" she said, I've always been the friend with the best music taste so throughout all my friends I'm certified DJ Tee. My playlist for fun driving jams is almost 15 hours long. Yea... I have a lot of music and this was only one of many playlists. We stopped halfway to fill up with gas and went into the store. "Pose for my Instagram" She said while I was filling a slushie cup. I put my cup near my face and held up 🤘🏻 with the other. I got a bunch of candy and some drinks and Nicki did too. We got back in the car and started driving more until I saw the 'welcome to Los Angeles' sign on the side of the road. "LA babes!" I yelled "For realll" she matched my energy. We had to go through Los Angeles all the way to get to the strip mall that was on one side of the road, the beach and ocean on the other. Once we made it to the shore she found a place to park and i sighed before smiling and getting out of the car.

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