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"Vacationnnn, I love New York" Ally said while she was getting in the car "vacation, yeah" Nick said and side eyed me, trying not to laugh. Ally didn't notice thank god. The car had 6 seats, a front row where my parents were, a middle row where Nick and Ally were, and the back row where me and Melo were. Melo put his AirPods in and I did the same, connecting them both to his phone with share audio. We only had a 45 minute drive from the house to the airport so we got there quicker than we thought we would. "Well we're 2 hours early but we have to do TSA and stuff so we'll probably only have to wait like an hour." My dad said. "Sweet" Nick said and we all got out and took our bags, I convinced Melo to let me take my own bag and kissed him on the cheek. We followed my mom through the airport and waited literally forever to get to the front of the TSA check line. We had to take our shoes off and I took off my bunny slippers while Melo took off his cow slippers "see it was a good idea!" I tell him walking through the metal detector. By the time we got to the terminal we had 40 mins to spare, My mom and dad stayed at the terminal to text us when we needed to come back, while the rest of us went to the Starbucks near the other terminals. We ordered and me and Ally went to the bathroom while the boys got our drinks and found a table. When we were walking to the bathroom Ally showed me her phone, it was a picture of her and Nick sophomore year "you two remind me of young us so much" she said with her eyes watering. "You really love him, don't you" I asked her "with my whole soul." She replied, I was glad to hear that she really really loved him. We came back from the bathroom and the guys were sitting down talking. We sat with them and I started drinking my caramel frappe. "So what are the plans for the week" I asked. "We're gonna go shopping and stuff and go ice skating and just explore the city, I heard they were having a party at a club, we could prob sneak you guys in" Nick said. "Bet, I brought a party fit too, convenient" I said. My mom texted me that they said boarding in 30 mins so we brought our drinks with us and went into another small store to get snacks. By the time we got there we had a bunch of snacks and 5 mins to board. We got on the plane and put our carry ons in the overhead, yada yada. The captain started talking on the loud speaker. "Welcome to Southwest Airlines going to New York City i m your captain and our estimated flight time is 6 hours" he said and the flight attendants did their stuff. When we took off me and Melo put a blanket over our legs and watched Netflix on my laptop. Halfway through the 6 hours Melo fell asleep on my shoulder and I talked to my mom next to me, I took I picture of Melo asleep on my shoulder and saved it. I watched more episodes by myself until Melo woke up. "Well Goodmorning, We're in Pennsylvania Right now" i told him. "Oh damn, we in the east coast now" he said and I giggled. We went on our phones for the last 30 minutes until we landed finally.

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