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My dad knocked on my door "Come in" I say and he walks in with his wallet in hand. "Hey me and your mother are going out to get drinks, we'll be back in like an hour so here's some money and y'all can go to the mall across the street?" He told me and handed me some money. "Alright be careful love you" I told him and he ruffled my hair saying love you too when walking out the door. After they left we paused our movie. "Wanna go down?" I asked him "Yeah, let's bring Nick and Ally with us" He said and we went out of our room. They were sitting in the living room on their phones "yo y'all wanna go to the mall?" I asked them "oh hell yea, I wanna explore some" Ally said and got up excitedly. "Alright be ready in like 10" I told them and me and Melo went back to our room. We went into the bathroom connected to our room. I touched up my makeup a little and Melo fixed his hair. I changed out of my pajamas and put on flare leggings and a pink sweater. When I went back into the bathroom Melo was also out of his pajamas and in black jeans and a white 'off-white' t-Shirt. "We're like matching" I pointed out. "I swear we've got the same mind" he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead. "We do, I love you" I say putting my forehead on his chest. "I love you too, you ready to go baby?" He said. "Yeah let's see if the others are" I said and we walked out of the bathroom. Melo was walking behind me and smacked my ass when I walked out the bathroom. "Ow!" I squeal. "It ain't my fault you walkin round with allat" he said and smirked playfully. I made it into the living room without another booty encounter and see Nick and Ally at the door. "Let's go" Ally said after finishing lacing my air forces. We walked out locking the door. We stood in the elevator awkwardly with another family, finally making it to the ground floor. We put our coats on in the lobby and walked out of the big spinning door, into the sidewalk dusted in snow. We waited to cross the street to where the mall entrance is, how convenient. When we got inside there was a big Christmas tree in the main section. "This place is beautiful" I said looking around the all seeing the decorations everywhere.  "Hey me and Melo are gonna go somewhere real quick, meet us back at the Christmas tree in like 45?" Nick said and him and Melo left. Me and Ally went upstairs and went I to the shoe stores. "Yo you like these?" I asked her showing her some black stiletto heels "I love themmm" she replied. Me and Melo were planning on a dinner date tomorrow night, Nick is proposing the night after. We both got shoes then went into forever 21. She tried on a line green bodysuit and came out to model it for me "Eating that shit up" I said, she looked great in it mixed with her black jeans so she waited for me, I tried on a cute light blue sweater, I got it in a bigger size, over the past 2 months I had gained some weight and wasn't as confident as I was. we bought our outfits and poked around the candle shop near the escalator until it was time for us to meet back up with the guys.

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