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I woke up and changed from my pajamas to my white tube top with a grey cardigan and light blue jeans. I brushed my teeth and did my makeup, going downstairs to make waffles for everyone. I put two on plates and brought them up to Nick and Ally, going back to my room to eat mine and Melo called me. "Hey babe what's up?" I asked him. "Hey baby I was wondering what time you wanted me to be over before the party?" He asked me. "So I planned this out with Nick and Ally, you and Alisha are gonna ride home with me after practice and we can all chill there before the party starts, that cool?" I asked him taking a bite of my waffle. "Yeah yeah that's cool, I'll see you soon love you" he said. "Love you too" and I hung up, going downstairs and putting my shoes on while Nick and Ally did the same thing. We went to school and I got out at the front seeing all my friends at the table. "Hey party people" I said and sat down next to Melo. "Hey girlll" Maddy said on my other side. "So y'all bringing dates right?" I asked them and they all nodded or some form of yes. We went into the school and I went to my locker, going to class early since we went in earlier than we usually would. 2nd period everyone goofed around because we had a sub, I decided to just sleep because I was gonna be staying up late tonight. Melo is sleeping over tonight so I assume we would be up late, I cleaned my room quickly last night so that it didn't look like I lived in a damn barn. I dreamed about how fun later tonight is gonna be, having a party with my friends, family, booze, and everything else that comes with a true rager. The day went by so slow, just like every Friday does. Once the bell for study hall rang I went to the locker room skipping it so I can get ready for practice. "Skipping again?" Alisha asked and I nodded. "I'm coming with" she said and grabbed my hand. "Bet, we're gonna chill in the locker room." I said and we slightly jogged out of the academic hall and into the locker rooms. Once we got in we changed into our practice clothes, braiding each others hair since we had the time. We talked about random shit until 2:25 when we went into the gym, warming up for a minute before practice. "So today for practice we're gonna do layup lines with the girls team, so once you hit a layup you run to the other side of the gym and get the rebound of that hoop and pass it to the upcoming person then run to the hoop you started at and get a pass for a layup. Make 40 hoops as a team then we will take a break" the boys coach said when everyone surrounded him and my coach. We all made 4 lines, one rebound and one shooting line for each hoop. Once we started we got halfway there quite quickly and it only took us a couple more minutes to finish it. The rest of practice we ran drills with the boys and went over plays and stuff. Once us girls were done I changed in the locker room and waited for Melo and Nick since Nick was driving us all to our house. Me Alisha and Ally sat together talking while the boys were in their huddle. "Ready to go?" Nick asked walking over with Melo. "Yeah, Les go" I said dragging out the 'o'.

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