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After almost 45 minutes Melo started waking up, turning his head over to look at me. "Well goodmorning" I giggled and he laughed tiredly. "Wanna do something?" I asked him and he nodded. We got up and I pulled him to the bathroom. I went into my cabinet and pulled two face masks and two headbands out of it. I turned the mirror light on and sat on the counter. "Come here" I said and he came and stood inbetween my legs putting his hands on my thighs. I put his headband on for him because he couldn't figure it out. "You look insane" I laughed seeing that he put it over one ear and not the other with it on his eyebrows. I fixed it and he looked at it in the mirror "I look ridiculous with this shit on" he pointed at the bunny ear headband keeping his hair away from his face. I was laughing so hard i almost pissed myself. I had a cat headband keeping my hair back and showed him how to put his mask on, having to fix it here and there. We sat in my bathroom playing music and dancing while the masks sat, slow dancing a couple times, the rest jamming like we were playing just dance. I took a Snapchat video of us dancing, posting it on my story with the caption 'jammin with @melo" my friends slid up with 'aww's and 'cuteee's. Once my timer went off we took them off and rubbed the serum into our skin, taking off the headbands. We fixed our hair and I brushed mine then did the same to his. We went back into my room then went downstairs to the kitchen. I made us pasta for lunch, with a side of garlic bread. While we ate at the dinner table Nick and Ally went out, saying that they were going to the mall for the rest of the day. "My birthday is Next month then I can get my permit thank god" Melo said. "Oh cool, I'll have mine in may" we talked about cars and summer and how much we mis the warm air, we both hated the 45 degree weather. Once we were finished I washed our dishes. "Wife material?" He said hugging me from behind. I giggled and turned my head to kiss him. "Of course" I responded. Once I was down we went to the living room to watch the Lakers vs Warriors game that I pre recorded last night. I sat cuddled up to Melo and he wrapped a blanket around us after shutting off the light, only having light from the tv and the hallway. We watched the game for some time until it ended, it was about 7 so Melo had to go home. He packed up his clothes in the bag he brought and we waited for his dad downstairs. Once he pulled into the driveway I turned the porch light on. "Goodbye babe, I'll call you tomorrow" he said kissing me. "Ok honey goodnight, tell your dad I said hi" I said waving to Lavar through the window. He waved back and Melo went outside. I shut the door and waited for them to leave my driveway before going upstairs. I got ready for bed, taking my makeup off and getting in my pajamas. I know it was early but I was going to watch Netflix until I fell asleep. I got in bed and turned on Ginny and Georgia, soon after 2 episodes I fell asleep around 9, Nick came to check on me at around 10:30 when he got back from the mall and I was fast asleep.

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