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After I sat down I heard people coming down the steps, then I see Melo and two other giants walking out behind him. They all sat down and the food came out, and everyone sat down. "So tell us about you girly, whatchu like to do?" Lavar asked me. "Well, my name is Taylor im 15, I have one brother, and I like to play basketball" I said and one of the brothers looked at Melo "ay you got yourself a hooper that's ma boy" He patted his back harshly "Shut up Gelo, anyways, she don't know who y'all are" He said. "Well im Gelo" "and im Lonzo" they said. "It's nice to meet you all, and Tina this chicken is amazing" I said thanking her for her work. We all had talked and they were all so alike but so different, we all bonded and I found out that Lonzo knows my brother because he plays varsity with him. Once everyone was done eating I tried to help Tina clean up but she refused, sending me off into the living room where everyone was sitting. I sat on the couch next to Melo and Gelo started playing a movie on the tv. 15 minutes into the show Melo stretches, moving his arms up and when they went back down one was wrapped around me, I laughed quietly "classic" I said and Melo smiled, wrapping a blanket around us both. I scooted closer to his resting my head on his shoulder and putting an arm across his stomach, holding him. I thought about how over the past month just how much I fell in love with this kid, within a month he managed to wrap me around his finger even tho we weren't even dating. I closed my eyes for a while and Melo thought I was asleep. "I've loved you since I met you." He confessed to 'sleeping' me. I opened my eyes and kissed him softly, "me too" I said pulling away. "Can you and I be something? Like can I call you my girlfriend?" He asked me. "Of course, your my boyfriend." I said and layed my head back down, satisfied with my new title, LaMelo Balls girlfriend. It's got a nice ring to it. After the movie ended it was 8:30 and Melo and Gelo started play fighting, rolling around on the floor. I recorded it laughing hysterically savoring this moment forever. But once it hit 8:55 I said goodbye to everyone and Melo walked me out to my moms car. "I'll see you Monday?" He asked and I nodded, hugging him. "FaceTime me tomorrow" I said and he responded I will. Once I got into the car I waved as he went back into his house. "So how was your dinner date" my mom asked. I was still smiling. "Ma it was awesome, i Met his mom and dad and they are both really tall and sweet then I met his two brothers Gelo and Lonzo and they're really funny and even taller then we watched a movie and Melo asked me to be his girlfriend and... it was just great." I said calming down. My mom had a soft smile on her face "I'm glad you had fun" she said looking proud. We got home and I changed into my pajamas, getting ready for bed. Once I got in bed I sent Melo a thank you for inviting me and a goodnight text the set my phone on my nightstand. As I fell asleep I was happily dreaming about tonight the night that I finally was with the guy I loved.

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