y/n stark

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AN: Y/n Stark, 25 years old, female, Best friends: Wanda Maximoff Natasha Romanoff Brother: Tony stark.

I own none of these characters but y/n xx

Also a Slight smut warning and an Anxiety trigger warning


Last I checked my phone it was 20:38 now its 3:23 great. I sighed after i realised I fell asleep at my desk again after a late night of research.

See the terms of my agreement with Fury was that I be allowed some time off being an avenger but in return I still have to do some online work and get information. Which obviously wasn't hard I'm a Stark for god sake, but still took the piss trying to take down fire walls.

I sent all the information off to Fury not even bothering to change fuck it ill be up soon anyway ill deal with it then. I got into bed and went back to sleep.

*6:45AM*: *beep* .... *Beep* ... *BEEP*

"Who the fu-" I strained to look at my phone still being barley awake

*NICK FURY: Code red.*

*ME: Have you seen the time-. Whats so important your bothering me this early.*

*NICK FURY: Agent Stark I have to call you in. *

*ME: That wasn't part of our agreement now was it.*

*NICK FURY: I wouldn't message if it wasn't important. Something tells me you'd want to know about this so get your ass down here. This is a direct order. You need to get back to New York ASAP.*

*ME: Fine fine no need to get all cranky ill be there.*

*NICK FURY: A flight has been booked for 11AM be there.*

*ME: Aye Aye Captain!*

I always took every opportunity to piss of Fury it was one of my many talents. None the less I got out of bed grabbed some black top and joggers and a towel and went to shower.


At last I was all packed up ready to leave. Of course I didn't want to London's been quite the escape for the past few months since i decided i needed a break, what i got ... bored minus the fact that hydra was trying to get there hands on me.. Didn't end well for them. London was my safe get away but I sort of got used to it so i kindly asked Fury if i could stay a little longer and well that's where the agreement comes in.

After I gathered the last of my things I booked a taxi and made my way to the airport where a private plane was waiting for me *STARK AIRLINES* of course.

*14:30PM* *BUZZ*

*NICK FURY: A car will be ready for you it will take you to a hotel for the night. Once your settled meet me at the *MEETING PLACE* for 18:00.*

*ME: A please would be nice.*

*NICK FURY: Child- don't even.*

*ME: Relax grandpa thank you.*


"Oh New York how i've missed you" you let out as you get out of the car to your hotel.

There your greeted by a handsome gentleman who takes your bags for you while you check in.

"Hello Ma'am Welcome. How may I assist you?" The desk lady says with welcoming tone. "Hey I'm here to check in for the night there should be a reservation under Sarah Bellman?" I asked in a questioning yet confident tone. "Yes yes right here. *Receptionists hands me a key* "Thank you" I say which then she says the same and I go into my room.


"Where is she." Agent Hill questions as if she's in a hurry. "Don't worry Stark will be here she knows better not to" Nick replies.


I open the cafe door to see Agent Hill and Nick Fury at the back of the cafe almost like there trying to blend in. Please- because 2 people dressed in all black is not suspicious.

"Your late." Nick states. "Apologies i was... Well don't worry about that.." I suspiciously said. Maria groaned "Seriously y/n. Who was it." "I have no idea what you were talking about."


We burst into the door as his tongue slipped into my mouth almost searching for something that was very deep in. I ruffled my hands gently through his hair as he lifted me up against the wall still only making out. My eyes meet the clock only to see.. "SHIT!" I exclaimed "What?" The cute man who helped me with my bags asked. "I have to go sorry!!" And with that i left the room.


"Okay listen he was hot I was simply researching the human body. Don't judge.!" I tried to play it off cool but they both just looked away in disgust. "Y/n focus this is about your brother hes missing." Nick dropped. "What? When. For how long?." I said trying not to panic. Right then and there my anxiety kicked in. I started playing with my ring as my leg bounced up and down just waiting for Fury's reply. "Well?!" I said impatiently. "We think it was Hydra we're not too sure. Last week, we thought we would find him but there's been no luck so we thought to bring you in."

"What do they want?" I asked. I'm not stupid I know exactly what they want and thats me. "You" nick said. "Okay well let's get my brother back. No matter the cost."

"Alright y/n for now I need you to go to your hotel room and just try to rest tonight. Tomorrow meet me at the avengers compound at 8AM no later. Okay?." Nick stated. I had no choice. They had my brother i had to just comply until I got him back god knows what they have done to him.. "Yeah okay" I said dryly. "Right then were done here." Nick said and got up heading towards the door. Agent Hill placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder just before following him out.

"Fuck sake." I said as i shut my hotel door. There was nothing I could do for now I just had to wait it out and that's what i did. I tried to sleep but surprise surprise no luck.

Then somehow after hours of tossing and turning i managed to drift off and grab a couple of hours of sleep before facing the wrath I had to come.

A/N: Hey this is my first book I hope you all enjoy sorry for the slow start but for what I have in mind for the next couple of bits are going to be very fun so stay tuned!!

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