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The next day I woke up and decided to get some training in. Nat said she'd meet me down there at 9AM. I got out of bed put some black leggings and a black sports jacket over a black cropped strap top and left.

When I walked in no one was there so I decided to stretch.. As I was stretching Nat Steve and Bucky walked in. For fuck sake.

"Y/n your here early." Steve said while setting his stuff down. "And Nat's late." I started in a lunge position looking at them through the mirror. "My apologies I was.. Occupied..  "I bet." I say smirking at her.

Bucky started with the punching bags. Steve and Nat were sparring and I was stretching. As I went down into a split position I saw Barnes staring in the mirror. My eyes locked with his neither one of us pulling away. Even as I went lower into the split position we didn't break our gaze once.

"Right Y/n you ready?" Nat called after her and Steve finished sparring. I got up from my position and walked over to her. 

"Always." I said taking of my jacket. "You know what.. I think I've pulled something" she said winking at me when turning to face the boys. 

Barnes and I stood there confused while Rogers had the biggest smirk on his face. "Bucky Spar with y/n" she asked. 

"Not necessary." I said to her trying to tell her to piss off. "Scared your going to lose.?" he challenged. "Cmon Y/n on the mat." she said pointing to it. 

"What's wrong Director? Struggling to follow order?" he said smugly. "Well Sergeant normally i'm the one giving them." I said cockily.

"No matter it'll be easy." I mocked. Before I met Bucky on the matt Nat came up to me. "What are you doing Natasha." I questioned quietly. "Thought you two could fight out your tension." she replied. Before I could ask what she meant she continued. "Considering you and Barnes eye fucking from across the room." she finished her voice nothing above a whisper so only I heard. 

My face flushed red at her observation. "It wasn't like that and you know it." I replied with a calm voice. "Sure Stark sure." she finished and went to stand by Steve

"Ready?" I asked. "Mhm." he replied. I threw the first punch to which he dodged he swung but I kicked him in his stomach causing him to take a couple steps back.

I went at him to punch him but instead her grabbed my arm and spun me so he caged me into himself both of us were panting. "Got you." He said thinking we were done, I jabbed my elbow into his left side causing him to let go of me. When he was distracted I swept his leg which made him fall. Then I got on top of him so I was straddling. "Are you sure about that." I questioned.

He rolled his eyes which amused me. I was about to get off when I had an idea.. He wants to go on dates with hot girls so be it. I slowly moved my hips in a circle and I felt him go hard. "How was ur hot date." I whispered. I was about to pick up my pace when he pushed me back so then he was on top of me.

He leant down to my ear and whispered. "She was amazing." he replied. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me. 

"Finally I thought you two were going to start fucking on the mat" Nat confessed. "Nah I don't repeat my mistakes." I said smirking at him before leaving the room.

After it was only Nat and Steve in the room. "Well that was awkward." he admitted. "More like hot." Nat replied. 

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