Y/N meet the Avengers.

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My eyes dart open. Worst sleep I've had in ages dam you stark. Restless I get out of bed grab my robe and then go to shower. Straight after i order rooms service I wasn't even hungry but not eating wouldn't be wise to do then going on a rescue mission which will no doubt be today if we can get his location so its good to be prepared. I order some fruit and some orange juice.

While I wait I do my skincare routine and just as a finish the door knocks and i get my food. I sit on the bed while flicking through channels *BREAKING NEWS: TONY STARK ASSUMED TO BE DEAD AFTER HIS DISSAPEARANCE A WEEK AGO..* I read the headlines and throw the remote at the tv thankfully not breaking it. I finish eating and go get ready. 

I put on a Tight black dress, black tights with a cropped leather jacket and thigh high boots that were also leather. I did a normal smokey eye small red lip and grab my phone and leave. 

A/N: The pictures above the chapter title will be Y/Ns outfits. Apologies if you don't like them feel free to imagen her however you'd like xx


I get to the compound and walk into the elevator and press the top floor. "Yeah this place hasn't changed a bit" I mumble to myself. The elevator stops on the second highest floor where Nick Fury meets me and we continue to go up. 

"Agent Stark." he says. "Fury. I have no doubt that the teams ready for what we will be facing." I say plainly trying not to put much worry into my voice. "Nothing to worry about we have the best of the best here well find him." he says reassuringly. "I don't doubt that Director." 

*DING* The elevator door opens up and we walk through, Fury first i follow slowly after. I don't know why i was even nervous these people are my family it's just we haven't seen each other in months. 

We walk in to all the Avengers in the living room awaiting our arrival. "Avengers. Y/n Stark has arrived" Nick announced. I waved wiggling my fingers almost psychotically. Soon after I was met with a huge hug from Steve "Hey kid its so good to have you back" Steve says. "Good to see you to Capsicle I wish it was on better circumstances.." I replied "OH MY is that Y/N i hear???" Nat and Wanda sprint in from the kitchen and squeeze the living shit out of me I think i saw Jesus.

"Hey girls fucking hell its been too long" I said relieved that it hasn't been awkward. While meeting everyone I felt a burning glare on from my left side. I look over to the far left corner to see a man who had a metal arm. I'm assuming this metal man is the Winter Soldier but ill play dumb for now. Plus I'm going to have so much fun with the new nicknames i have for him. 

"You gonna keep staring soldier or you planning to use that pretty mouth of yours?" I said cockily. "Tell me something doll, do you just run that mouth of yours or does it do something else?" He said mockingly. "First off drop doll. Second of all this mouth can do a lot more than you think but that's none of your worries." *I rolled my eyes at the arrogant arse* "No problem. Doll." He said dominantly. Before I could even say another word I was interrupted by Steve.

"Okay kids lets play nice okay?. Y/n this is Bucky... Buck this is Y/n. Shes Tony's sister shes here to help find him." Steve explained. "Yeah i know who he is." I said. Of course Bucky had to chime in. "Definitely a stark". 

"Wanna repeat that Barnes?" I challenged "Yeah. I said if your to deaf to hear it the first time. Definitely a Stark." Bucky instantly replied back .

"This should be fun." Nat said holding in her laughter.  "Oh yeah well this Stark regardless of who you are will come over there and slice your throat if your not careful so friendly advice watch yourself." I hissed. 

"Doll I'd love to believe that but you'd break a nail and we wouldn't want that now would we" He pouted. Who the fuck does he think he is. Clearly this wanker doesn't know who i am. i'll show him. 

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