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The next day came quickly as I prepared to hunt them down. First on my kill list Agent Smith the delivery guy..

I put on my cat suit and got onto my motorcycle at 17:50 so i could set up, when I got to the delivery place i parked my bike a couple blocks down before sneaking into the delivery warehouse to watch and wait. I found a place behind some massive boxes and set up my intercom with Fury. 

"Agent Stark do you copy? over." Fury radioed over.

"Loud an clear boss just waiting for the target to be in sight then ill move into phase 2. over." I replied back.


At exactly 6PM struck as his truck pulled up. "Target acquired. Permission to move in?" over. I asked. "All you now Stark be careful. Over" Fury replied. "Always am over." I reassured. 

I was about to make a move when Agent Smith came out the Vehicle he walked to the back of his truck and opened the back to load the packages. I was close enough to hear what they were saying and boy was it weird until i heard something of interest.

"Alright thank you for this. I'll be on my way but just before I'm going to go get a coffee real quick." said Agent smith as he yawned. 

What an idiot who goes to get coffee while intercepting what is probably and important package. Seconds later he was spotted leaving the sight, now the coast was clear and I made my move. I snuck behind the boxes while trying to be as quiet as possible. 

At last I reached the truck where i got in and hid behind the boxes closes to the drivers seat. 

10 minutes later he returned and slammed the truck door shut before getting into the drivers seat, he then set his coffee aside and started the truck we were driving for what felt like 10 minutes to which i decided it was time because I could not listen to his music any longer my gosh my poor brain-.

His music was loud enough that you wouldn't be able to hear an explosion in the back if there was one which gave me the perfect opportunity to slowly open the door that connect the back of the truck and front seats where the driver was.

Once the door was open I got my rope and chocked it around his neck and pulled so he couldn't breathe. He struggled and the car was going in all sorts of directions but once he finally stopped  fighting i assumed he was dead so i pushed him into the passenger seat and took over driving.

"Fury do you copy? Over." I radioed in. 

"I copy whats the statues.? over" he replied.

"Smiths off the grid and the package has been intercepted. over." 

"Good I'm sending you this address it's a warehouse not far from where you are dispose of the body accordingly and leave the truck there I'll send for them. Over." 

"Roger that over." 

I drove to the location where I dropped off the truck and threw Agent Smith in a lovely little trash can at some disposal site. 

"1 down 2 to go"

Next was Agent jones. 

30 Mins later...

I got on my bike and drove down to his house that wasn't that far where i parked in an alley way and made my way to his house. I started by scoping out the property.. 

"Agent stark do you copy? whats ur status over." Asked Fury

"Yeah our targets in there along with 2 other people... girls.. wait no- Hookers. permission to proceed? over" I asked

SOULMATES Winter soldier x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now