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Nick Fuzzy: *Alright Agent Stark. I've given you the list of names now you have to scope out the area for each person and plan the kill.

ME: *Childs work I'll be back sooner than I thought*
Nick Fuzzy: *Sometimes I forget your a stark.*
I scoffed staring at the message in front of me before leaving the Pirate on read.
I walked over to my desk where I started to write down the names of my targets:

- Agent Smith

-Agent Jones

-Agent Green 

The first obvious thing is that there all Hydra Agents so there's that. After a little while of research i found that Agent Smith will be posing as a delivery man tomorrow at 18:00 down at the old bar just a couple blocks down from my safe house. Well we know where i'll be tomorrow it should be fairly easier to intercept.

Agent Jones is a little harder however I managed to find that he has a safe house about 11 miles from here so ill pay him a little visit late at night. 

Finally Agent Green, he's practically a ghost there was nothing. Thanks to Nicks evidence files he sent over I have some idea of where he'll be. There's an exclusive event on Wednesday yet somehow Nick slipped me and invite he attends these rich people things so I can get him there.

After hours of research I finally had everything I need to know and I sent it off to Fury and now we wait until tomorrow when the real hunt begins. 

A/N: Apologies for the absence just finished exams and I break up for school in like 2 weeks and then after that 6 weeks of uploading! 

So stay tuned for more parts, and thank you to everyone who has come on this journey with me. 

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