Undercover ops.

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CYBORG: *Morning Doll, you up for work yet?" 

ME: *Yeah i actually look a personal day there's just some stuff I need to sort"

CYBORG: *Oh? everything okay..?* 

ME: *Of course I'm just doing some apartment shopping*

CYBORG: *Alright have fun love you*

ME: *Love you too*

I couldn't tell him what I was up to not when him and Fury were being weird. I found out the woman works in a high school so I've decided to go undercover as a high school student. I already had the uniform on now all I had to do was find her. 

When I entered the building that was practically a castle (it was enormous) I was greeted by a student who surprisingly could speak English I guess she dealt with all the new transfers.

"So I heard you transferred from England?" she asked curiously as she gave me a tour of the school. "Yeah my father got a job here so we all sort of just moved." I replied with a warm smile. "Well here's you class you have Miss Santos. Don't worry she speaks English." she said reassuringly. "Thank you" I replied before walking into class.

There she was sitting behind her desk she had brunette hair, was definitely middle aged the wrinkles were already settling in someone tell her to get Botox, god. 

"Everyone Welcome Liliana Forbes" she says introducing me to the class before showing me to my seat. Class was actually so fucking long now I understand why kids wag. Anyways after that long lecture the from hell I managed to get through the day, straight after I tailed Miss Santos to her  house and made sure to keep a good distance. This murder bullshit was getting out of hand even if the targets deserved everything they got.

Day quickly turned to night as I waited outside but there wasn't another soul in sight which was suspicious... I decided to break into her house by picking the backdoor lock and slowly entering her house. It was quiet.. to quiet.. I was about to make my way to the upper level when I saw a figure who hadn't notice me creep upstairs. I hid in the shadows as I took the other staircase up stairs, when I got up I saw the figure about to open a door which looked like it went to the master bedroom. Immediately I pinned them against the wall without making a sound. The mysterious man had a mask on which of course I ripped of.. But boy I wish I didnt...

A/N: And were back!!!!!!!!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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