Round Two

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Before the round started I ran to the weapon room grabbed some daggers. I hosted then to my thigh then make my way back down to the training room where I saw Bucky standing there waiting. 

"Took you long enough" He huffed "Right sorry fossil i forgot your not getting any younger wouldn't want you desiccate before the fight now would we?" I said childishly. 

"Lets get this over with." He growled. "Your hot when your mad" "And your annoying when your trying to be cute." I put my hand on my chest as if i was offended. Which I wasn't 


We both get onto the matt and into our positions. Then then out of no where he throws the first punch but luckily u ducked down. He came at me again this time with i caught it. But its fricken vibrainium of course it manages to free and punch me in the jaw. I swear I heard a crack. 

"Woah y/n ar-" Just like that i catch him off guard punching right back my fist connecting with his face I throw the next punch but he catches it with his human arm and punches me in the chest with his free one. I start coughing he literally knocked the wind right out to the extent where I got annoyed. i grabbed my dagger and slashed under his human arm which was extended to help me up but I saw red. 

Drawing blood he pulled back "What the hell y/n!" "oh come on you knew we were using weapons" 


"oh come on you knew we were using weapons" she said emotionlessly. She kept coming at me with her dagger this time was different. She wasn't sparing anymore she had the intent to kill. As soon as i realised I grabbed her arm yanked the dagger out of her grasp and pulled her close to me and held her there. "Calm down y/n! Your here sparring with me no one else" I'd seen that look before. The same one I had on myself she was getting flashbacks.


My mind took over my body flashbacks of me fighting someone I just couldn't picture who. In that moment I wasn't there I was somewhere else far away. Until i heard "Calm down y/n! Your here sparring with me no one else.". He knocked the knife out of my hand pulling me into him and holding me there. 

"It's okay your here at the compound" He tried to reassure me. Both our hearts racing. I was shaking I didn't even know why. When I came to my senses I was in Bucky's arms. "I'm sorry I have to go" I stated. I left him there on the floor and ran upstairs to my room and dropped onto my bed trying to figure out what the hell just happened.


Without another word she left. I still stayed on the floor processing what just happened. Steve filled me in on some stuff about her past but he didn't have to..

I got up off the floor and walked to her room to see if she was okay 

*Knock knock* I heard her say "Come in" right after. 

"Hey doll." "Hi." her voice steady but cold. "I came to see if-" "fine. I'm fine." I knew she was not fine. "Li-" "Not another word. Sit." With that I sat down It would have been stupid to not listen to the woman who just tried to kill you with a matter of minutes ago. 

She got up and walked into her bathroom coming back with a first aid kit. "Arm." She commanded. "You don-" She glared at me I gave her my arm. "Just a scratch it'll be fine." She cleaned the wound and applied a plaster on top. "There." "Thanks. Do you want to talk about-" Before I could continue she cut me off again. I sighed. 

"Apologies for the arm. No were not talking about that because there's nothing to talk about nothing happened okay?" "But-" "Can we just go back to deeply hating each other this heart to heart bullshit isn't in your babysitter description." She said coldly. She turned away got up and walked towards the window signalling me to leave. 

So i did.. Feeling guilty I got up and left shutting her door on the way out. 


He left shutting the door on the way out. "Why the fuck did you say that y/n!" I said to myself. I almost killed him and I was being a bitch. What the hells going on i sighed leaning against the window ledge looking out. 

Moments went by I decided to shower and get into Pj's and watch some movie. Although I was distracted the entire time. 


She hadn't left her room in hours after that i don't know if she had any food in there so i decided to make her a sandwich and leave it outside a door with a sorry note. I knocked the door and left. 


*Knock Knock* "Look y/n you can't stay in there forever but if your planning to I made you a cheese and cucumber sandwich just how you like it.. Alright I'm leaving now.." 

I walked up to the door after i heard his footsteps get quieter and quieter I opened the door to see a sorry note. Why was he sorry he did nothing wrong..

I took the food in grabbed some paper and wrote "Thankyou don't apologise you've done nothing wrong". on that note I put it in front of his door and left to go back into my room. 

Hours past I had eaten the sandwich and now I was just watching movies until i drifted off into a deep sleep. 


I waked back to my door to see a little note on the ground "Thankyou don't apologise you haven't done anything wrong." "Oh doll if only you knew" I said to myself walking into my room for the rest of the night.

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