Going Rouge

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Later that same night.

NICK FUZZY *Close the Hydra string murder case.*

ME *why.*

NICK FUZZY *Don't disobey a direct order. Close it*

ME *Copy.*

I'm so confused... Earlier Buck and Nick said the same thing.. Bucky already knew about the case... now Nicks telling me to close it.. 

CYBORG ❤ *Goodnight Doll*

ME *Night.*


ME *Diaz close the HSM case. But do me a favour look up all the hydra agents that are middle aged with no kids and unmarried and where they live*

DIAZ *Copy* 

An hour later all the info was sent to me via email. There's only one ex hydra agent left that fit's out description and she is in Mexico. 

Now these murders happen in the night when the victims are in there own homes. Looks like i'm going to Mexico. If Fury wont help i'll take matters into my own hands. 

A/N: Quick little chapter I wonder why bucky's being so sus..

SOULMATES Winter soldier x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now