Tea :o

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"Y/n??." no answer... "Y/n?" no answer... "Y/N!" "AH what fuck sake man why do you people keep waking me up can't you let a lady sleep in peace." I woke to see Natasha hovering over me. 

"Get dressed then meet me in the garage!!! We going shopping!!!" She said all excited then left the room.. Today was going to be a long day.

Natasha was persistent and I knew better, so I made my bed and went into the shower. After I put on some black lace up boots and a black skirt that came just above my knees with a strap top. I put a cropped black hoodie on top to over my arm burn which I didn't even have to do it was basically all most healed that's odd..

On my way to the garage I walked through the kitchen to see Steve, Bucky and Sam sitting there talking. "Morning boys." I hollered while walking past. Then i realised. "Oh Steve, Sam y'all are back!" I went up to them giving them both hugs. Last I heard they went on some mission to track done some Hydra agents in Sokovia. 

"Hey heard anything about vision?" Steve asked pulling away. "Uh all I know he's off the radar for a bit not sure why. I think hes either figuring some stuff out or on a mission. He'll be back for later tonight though!. Anyway I have to go see you later." I said walking off but before I could leave the room 

"Y/n." I turned to see tin can sitting. "Cyborg." "Where are you off to in such a hurry." "I'm going on a date problem?" I joked "With who." His voice became more serious no doubt after recent events.. 

"Don't worry."  I said leaving to the garage and getting into the car with Nat and Wanda then we left for the mall. 


Date? With who when and why. "Buck you okay?" Steve asked while sitting back down. "Yeah why." "Look I'm not a mind reader but.." "But what." I said in a threatening manor. "He's saying you looking mighty jealous.." Added Sam from the other sofa. 

"I have no idea what your talking about" I hissed looking away. "Someones got a crushhhh" Taunted sam. I sighed and got up "Listen she's not on a date okay she's gone shopping with Nat and Wanda for tonight's party." said Steve. 


"See Steve there soooo gonna fuck" Sam said as Bucky left the room. "I swear they hated each other what changed" Asked Sam. "Bucky mentioned to me on of the nights him knowing her before. Apparently they were both in Hydra together and they did missions but I'm not sure he told me years ago" I replied 



"Okay Y/n we have our dresses lets see what you picked" Wanda said sitting in the waiting area with Nat.  

"Okay ready!" I yell out to the room there in. I walked out in a short sleeve long black dress.

"So..?" I questioned nervous for there response. "Absolutely not!" Nat shouted. "Why not?" I asked confused. "Your not going to a bloody funeral" She yelled. "What do you mean??" 

"The black sweethearts its a bit... twisted." Added Wanda. "Well colour's are bright." I protested. "Yeah well your not going to seduce in Black are you" Nat said under her breathe. 

"WHAT?" Wanda said jumping out of her seat pupils fixated on me. "No ones seducing anyone!" 

"If you say so.." Nat smirked "I'm lost" Wanda said. "Don't worry I'll fill you in later. Here Y/n try this!" She handed me a bag with a dress in. 

Wanda and Nat exchanged looks as I went into the changing room. 

"So you and Bucky..?" Wanda asked me as I was getting changed. "I have no idea what your on about" I defended myself hoping they'd believe me but nope. "Y/n Stark!! Your lying." Nat said as I walked out the changing room. "Bucky is going to love you in that!" Wanda exclaimed. 

"Do you think??!?" Fuck I got lost in the moment. "WAIT SO YOU DO HAVE A THING FOR HIM" Nat screamed. "Listennnnnn" I came and sat in between them. "We kissed." 

"YOU WHA?! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Nat screamed even louder. Wanda shushed her. "Tell us all the deets!" Wanda said quietly. 

"Okay so it's when you accidently burned me with your magic I went into the bathroom for the first aid kit he came in and one thing led to another and we made out.." I confessed. 

"Oh my you two. That's so cute!!" Wanda added. "Wait you two aren't fucking right?" Asked Nat. "No no I'm sure it was just a one time thing anyway he's helping me with all the Hydra shit that's probably the only reason it happened." I defended. "If you say so" Wanda added. 

We all burst out laughing it was hilarious. 

The dress was red a silky material with a laced back it was about above knee height and so pretty. 

Now time to get back and get ready.

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