The more the merrier!

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Aa week into our mission and everything was going smoothly. Our first task was to get them on our side to make them think were friends. 

It was a sunny Friday, the weather was great and the sunset's here were divine. Bucky and I had just come back from the beach when we decided to pick up some ingredients for a barbeque later.

We had just parked into the driveway when we say Abbie and Terry outside having tea on there porch. 

"Hey neighbours!" I exclaimed with a warm smile causing there eyes to fall onto mine. "Oh hey Hayley" Mrs Walker replied. 

"Oh my god I have just had the most fabulous idea! So get this were having a little BBQ later would y'all want to join us?" I say leaning on the fence that divided our two lawns.

"We'd love to!" Abbie started, but just then as she spoke her husband discretely tapped her arm to which i caught onto but ignored. "But we wouldn't want to intrude." she quickly added noticing her husbands sign.

"Oh please we brought way to much food. We couldn't possibly eat it all by ourselves, plus the more the merrier!" I said persuasively. 

Her and her husband exchanged looks and then she whispered something to him which seemed to change his mind.

"We'd be more than happy to." she said happily. "Alright then come round in an hour?" i say with a smile. 

They both agree and I walk back inside shutting the door behind me. "I thought I was going to have to save you from them." said Bucky as he pulled me into a hug. "You know you need to stop worrying right. They wont do anything to compromise themselves not this early on at least." i say comfortingly 

"I know but i've already lost you once." he says quietly. "And you've got me back" I say placing my hand on his cheek. 

"Now get ready were having dinner with the devil." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to get ready.

Once I get dressed I come downstairs and outside into the back garden to see bucky preparing. 

"Hey babe" I call him causing him to turn around "Woah." he says standing still. "You look.. beautiful." he says slowly approaching me.

"Shut up." I say looking away. "No I wont god your gorgeous" he says picking me up and spinning me around. 

"Are we interrupting?" a voice comes from the gate to our back garden. "Not at all." Buck says putting me down. "Welcome!" I say approaching them. "Thank you for inviting us." Mr Smith says shaking buckys hand. "No problem." Bucky replies.

"Alright how about we leave the men to the cooking. Boys don't burn anything while us girls have a little chat." I say taking Abbies hand. "Oo I like you already." she says following me. The boys start cooking the food just as me and abbie sit down on the chairs just a bit away from them. 

"Oh also I brought you a little something." she says opening her bag and pulling out a wine bottle "Oh darling you shouldn't have thank you!" I say giving her a hug.

"Bare with me i'll go grab some glasses." I say quickly getting up and grabbing two wine glasses from the cabinet.

After some time of us gossiping while the boys cooked dinner was finally done. We all sat around a lunch table outside in the garden under the sunset.

An hour into our little dinner date the conversation starts to properly flow. They start to be less cryptic and more open. It must be the wine letting there guard down.

"Right so you two have just got married?" Terry asked bucky. "Yeah we decided to honeymoon here until our house gets built back in Georgia." he replies taking a sip of his beer.

"So do you two plan on kids?" Abbie asks bluntly. Buck and I look at each other for a moment unsure of what to say. I'd never really thought about children before. "Someday." Bucky replies saving me yet again. "What about yall" I ask snapping back into the conversation.

"Oh we hope to someday but as of right now were career dedicated." Abbie replys.

"Really? That's amazing what do you do." I ask. The couple in front of us exchanged quick glances before one spoke. "Oh uhm I'm a doctor and shes a lawyer." he replies dryly.

"That's amazing god your both so successful." i reply with a smile. the conversation continues and it's going well I think they have finally started to trust us. 

The night comes to and end the couple have gone home.

"That went well." Buck said wrapping his arms around me. "It did." I say wrapping mine around him. "You okay?" he asks as he sees me slightly lost in thought. "Yeah everything fine" I say giving him a reassuring smile before starting to clear up the plates.

"It was the kids bit wasn't it?" he says like he read my mind. "I just.. i don't know if they're in the cards for me.." i say slowly

"Why'd you say that." he says taking the plates off me and loading them into the dishwasher. "It feels like every other day the universe throws some obstacle. Whether its Hydra coming back, or I get brainwashed or someones threatened or someones kidnapped... How do I bring a kid into that.. I can't." i confess quietly. 

"Well i'm sure our enemy's will be long gone by then." he reassures me. "Hopefully." i reply..

A/N: god this mission is draggingggggggggg it's a pain to write but well power through it. 

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