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I was about to walk out when a firm hand gripped my arm pulling me back. I turned almost threw a punch but then saw it was Barnes.

"Where are you going." he asked firmly. He asked a good question... No hydra... no clue about my real life... where was I going.

"Away from here." I replied. "Why." he questioned his hand still on my arm. I pulled my arm away from him. "Because I have no reason to be here.." i replied 

"It's not safe out here. You don't have your memories your enemies could be anywhere." he stated. He made a good point.

"I'll be fine." I said walking away. "Y/n." he called his voice sounding desperate. I turned around and looked at him.

"This one night. I'll tell you anything you want to know."

I went back with him and he dropped me off at my room. "This was your room Y/n." he said opening the door. "Explains why it was so familiar earlier." i slightly smiled 

"Right. I will be back soon." He said before leaving 

I stood by the window just looking out.. I wasn't hydras puppet anymore.. what now.. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts as there was a knock at the door. 

I jolted in my position turning to see Stark. "Hey kiddo.." he said walking in and sitting on my bed. "Vision.. called me Stark earlier. Assuming that means I have some kind of relation to you." I said still holding my position at the window. 

"Your my sister. Younger obviously. And adopted.." He added that last bit on and my eyebrows furrowed. "Did I know" i asked curiously. "Yeah you did." he replied.

"I think I have a way to get your memories back." I motioned to the door and the witch walked in.

"Hey sweetheart.. I'm Wanda." she said softly taking a couple steps up to me but not too close. "Hi." I said quietly... I was ashamed I tried to kill her several times in the past week... 

"I think I can unlock the suppressed memories with magic if your open to it.

"Okay.." Wanda gestured to the chair in front of her. I sat down and closed my eyes. She began to use her magic to search my brain.. 

"Hydra may be able to hide your memories but magic is a lot stronger than medicine it's easier to override. " she confessed. 

"Found them." she said quietly..

"Ready?" she asked, I just nodded. 

Just like that... the door was open. The holes that were in my memories were filled.. Tears streamed down my eyes as I remembered Tony saving me after Hydra.. being sent to London. Returning because Tony was taken. Hating to loving bucky...

I was overwhelmed with feelings I didn't know what to do or what to say I sat there frozen... 

"I'm so sorry." I say ashamed thinking of everything I've done since... her

"You weren't in control don't fault yourself." Tony said placing his hand on my shoulder I hadn't notice Wanda leave.

"Nat.... Sam.... Clint.. are they.." i asked terrified of the answer. "There alive." he answered "I think I need to be alone..." i said emotionless.

"Alright munchkin." he said planting a kiss on my forehead. "Tony..." i called before he left. He turned to face me. 

"Don't let Bucky in here tonight...." i said quietly. "Ill alert Friday to tell him" he responded before closing the door and leaving..

I got into some joggers and a hoodie. got into my bed... and cried until i felt nothing...

i eventually fell asleep.

SOULMATES Winter soldier x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now