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I finally came to my senses moments later.. when I woke an alarm was ringing through my ears. The room flashed red.. "What the..." I started. "Y/n??. Banner said from the side of me. "Who-" I asked confused. 

"You still don't remember." he sighed. "Do you want to murder me." he asked boldly. "Not particularly no my mind will change if you don't tell me what the hells going on though." I said coldly but calmly  

"Hydra has infiltrated the compound." he confessed.

"There here for me." I paused. "Let me out. I can get rid of them." i said confidently. "Why would you help us." he asked cautiously.

"It's quiet.. my head. Its been filled with voices.. that weren't my own. That's gone now... It's peaceful. I owe you for that. Let me return the favour." I pleaded. 

"So be it." He said pressing a remote that undid all of my restraints. "Thank you." I say giving him a small smile.

"Y/n." he said which brought me to a halt. Everyone kept calling me that name for ages now.. "Can I ask you something." I interrupted before he could say another word. "Y/n?" i said the more I heard it the more i felt a sense of familiarity like I did with the dresser earlier.

"I know you don't remember but, it's your name." 

I nodded slowly. "You were going to say something earlier." I asked. "Stay safe kid." he gave me a friendly smile.

I left the room and took the stairs to a lower level.


I heard many shots on my way down this one was more different it was less AK-47 more like a Pump shot gun. This particular shot rang through my ears and i felt a sharp pain in my heart. I wasn't bleeding though. I ignored it and made my way to the lower floor.

I pushed open the door with my powers. 

I scanned the room. The witch and android were down. America was barely standing. Stark was still fighting. Agent had each avenger surrounded. Barnes was shot above his heart.. Similar to where my pain was on the stairs... 

"There she is! Darling welcome to the party." Said one of the Agents.  "Enough is enough you have me lets go." i said in my Russian accent so they didn't think I was flipped.

"No y/n!" Steve said weakly. "She's dead get over it." I said coldly. "Looks like your little plan to turn her on us failed. Now Summer I am sick of your loose ends compromising all of my plans." The agent said before handing me a gun. "I want you to finish what we started. Here's a gun kill them start with Barnes." he finished.

I don't know why I felt some connect to Barnes probably because we're both puppets of Hydra.. He didn't deserve to die for that.. 

"Y/n don't!" Tony yelled. 

"Comply." Said the Agent. 

I scoffed. I dropped the gun.

"Fine. If you wont complete your mission I will." The Agent said taking out his gun and pointing it at Bucky he was about to fire when I snatched the gun smacked him in the head with it making him unconscious.

"I said enough" I yelled lifting every Hydra agent in the room with my powers. With a flick of my wrist I snapped all of there necks then dropped them. As there bodies plummeted to the ground I turned around to see all the conscious avengers staring at me with shocked expressions.

"Get the wire of the witch she'll wake up with a nasty head ache but she will be fine those are designed to neutralise the target not kill them. Take the robot to Banner ill be there soon. Now." I commanded. 

Stark picked up Wanda and went to put her into her bedroom. "Rogers take Vision." 

"I can't leave Bucky." he protested but i stopped him. "I will handle him go now." i finished giving him the don't worry look.

He got up taking Vision I knelt down beside Barnes. 

"Still awake?" I asked pressing onto his wound.. "Yeah.." he said stiffly. "This is going to hurt." I warned. I put my fingers inside of his wound to find the bullet. To my surprise he didn't move to much but the discomfort on his face said other things. 

When I found the bullet I removed it and put is aside. 

"Keep still" 

I closed my eyes and hovered both hands over his chest. I focused centering my energy onto his wound and slowly began to repairing his body. 

5 minutes later he was fully healed I opened my eyes to Stark standing in front of us. 

I got up from Barnes and walked back to the lab.

"Banner?" I called. "Y/n yeah he's here. Do you have any idea what they stabbed him with. " asked Banner concerned. 

"Space tech... No matter it's fixable. Vision stay still." I commanded. I did the same thing with vision this time I made sure his wires connected and then fixed the material of his making and then he was as good as new.

"Thank you miss Stark." he said getting up. I thought to myself Y/n Stark... So i'm related to the  billionaire..

I turned around to see all the avengers behind me. Wanda was in her room. Vision insisted to go check up on her.

Left standing in front of me was Banner Barnes Stark and Rogers.

"Why'd you save us." asked Steve. "I owed a friend." i said coldly. "Who.?" questioned Bucky. "Banner." I replied,

Everyone's eyes turned to Banner. 

"He stopped the voices. I made sure his friends were safe. simple." 

I left the room made my way to the ground floor I was about to leave when I firm grip landed on my arm roughly pulling me back...

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